SG Since 2009

ummmmm O.0 ^

LED said:

MuffDiver said:
Reuben, not only are You Very Intelligent; Compassionate; Understanding; and Patience; but You are a COMMANDING BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!! "THE PRESIDENT OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN;" YES; But so MUCH MORE, YOU ARE A COMPELLING, RADIANT GODDESS!!! MS. REUBEN, YOU ARE EXHILARATING; IRRESISTIBLE; AND CHARISMATIC!!! As I was viewing Your photos, I was COMPLETELY CAPTIVATED and DRAWED INTO A SPECIAL PLACE, AND I FELT LIKE FAMILY!!! Reuben, sometimes OUR LIVES are BLESSED by PEOPLE who are so SPECIAL that we are HAPPIER just because we received the MIRACLE of COMMUNICATING with these SPECIAL PEOPLE even if OUR CONTACT with these COMPELLING SOULS is BRIEF, and PLATONIC; OUR LIVES have been VERY BLESSED by the CONTACT; and MS. REUBEN, YOU are ONE of TTHOSE VERY SPECIAL COMPELLING PEOPLE!!! To Quote: "Ralph Waldo Emerson:" "To Laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even ONE LIFE has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded;" end of quote!!! Ms. Reuben, I want You to know that YOUR BEAUTIFUL, RADIANT;
MESMERIZING SOUL HAS TOUCHED ME AND I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!! Reuben, it is not the things that can be bought that are Life's Richest Treasures, it is the little Loving Gifts that money can Not measure! A Cheerful Smile, a Friendly Word, a Sympathetic Nod, are Priceless little Treasures from the storehouse of OUR HEART!!! They are the things that can Not be bought; for LOVE and THOUGHTFULNESS and KINDNESS are NEVER Sold!!! They are the Priceless things in Life for which No one can buy, and the Giver Finds Rich Recompense in Giving them away!!! Thank You for SHARING YOUR MESMERIZING PHYSICAL BEAUTY; YOUR INTELLECT; YOUR UNDERSTANDING; YOUR PATIENCE; AND YOUR CHARISMATIC SOUL!!! REUBEN, YOU FILL MY LIFE WITH EXHILARATING BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I COULD NOT BEGAN TO POSTULATE THE AWE INSPIRING STATURE OF YOUR RADIANT BEAUTY!!!!! THANK YOU, REUBEN, FOR SHARING PART OF YOURSELF WITH ME!!!!! IT IS THE PLEASURE OF THE BEE TO GATHER THE HONEY OF THE FLOWER; BUT IT IS ALSO THE PLEASURE OF THE FLOWER TO YIELD ITS HONEY TO THE BEE!!! LA DILIGENCE de LYON!!! LUST! & LOVE! NAMASTE!!!

Please dont hurt anyone. Thank you.

Jesus. Fucking. Chriiiiiist. This comes to mind:


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