Wow,its been a while since I was here.Since my last blog.
I attended a very late and cold Wildfire in CT.There are new faces in the 250 fire performers attending which is always nice.
There will be lots to learn,and a whole lot of catching up to do.I am especially exited to have taught an advanced transfers class and a marketing class to some of... Read More
The mariime Tattoo Convention was a blast!Dispite many difficulties my fire show went reallywell,the crowd was very obliging.Here are a couple pics,more of my Pirate costume coming soon,and if I'm lucky I'll get a copy of a photo I got taken with Sailer Jerry Swallow!
I also got to meet Lucky for the first time,he is funny as hell and really genuine.I asked him for... Read More
BLAH.Winter you are my worst nemisis!
This was a pretty long ass week,but I feel spring coming.Ijust got booked for 3-4 gigs in june,and my first full circus production.
yay I have a gig thursday and my website is coming along as well as my promo video.I am very exited.I can't decide what to do this summer,its going to take guts to commit to performing full time,but it would also be nice to take a break and accept a contract at the place I was working in a provincial park last year.
I baught... Read More
yay!I'm doing a photoshoot with vintage cars next week!I'll be adding some to sell.
Other than that I'm getting ready to perform at the maritime tattoo convention in may,and a very amazing secret video project.
I've been trying to feed my brain these day but it seems hard to find a groove.
(however far from home we go the universe is still our center)saul williams... Read More
ah thanks.I've actually taken a half hour to fill all the info just to have it not save>boo.Well how about you message me lets say 10 starting questions an address and I'll write you a letter?
Winter on the east coast is soo lonely.Normally I try not to complain about this because obviously I am living here for the 5th winter in a row-I know it will be like this-I do.
It does something to my brain.Its kindof like shutting down.No highs no lows,No intense feelings at all really.
I miss montreal like crazy this time of year.I miss my friends... Read More