So can I have this one day please? ❤️ the dresses the hair everything in fact can the notebook just Dec 6, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email
So after seeing the promo video this morning I was hoping my copy would come through the post today Dec 6, 2014 15 Facebook Tweet Email
How amazing is this!! @thingsandink promo video for the new issue! Stripped back! I got to meet som Dec 6, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email
😂 these make me crease always! Like being single is a bad thing? I love single life✌️❤️☺️ Dec 5, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email kalchaamer: pros and cons ;-) Dec 5, 2014
Pants party Seriously unattractive day✌️ yes I have tissue up my nose ☺️🙈 #igdaily #pale #piercing Dec 5, 2014 14 Facebook Tweet Email
So as we've been poorly and quiet stressed recently! We decided to have a little party. Trying to s Dec 5, 2014 16 Facebook Tweet Email
I did the beautiful @jeffyjeffyg hair for her and she looks beautiful as always! Give her a follow Dec 4, 2014 14 Facebook Tweet Email
People suffer with being self conscious and unhappy with their bodies every day sometimes through s Dec 3, 2014 22 Facebook Tweet Email