I watched Labyrinth last night.
Do what you gotta do, thats my motto. When you're truly sick of the way things are, then you'll change them, until then, do what makes you the most happy. Travel if you can. There might be a point in the future (when you've settled into your apartment, got a job, or are in school) when you won't be able to travel, and you'll wish you had traveled more. Besides, the stone face is probably just as bad as the "what a joke" face I get when I tell people I work at a bar and Dairy Queen.
Now i've read the cartoon it makes a lot more sense. Mabye i should start reading the instructions to all my electrical appliances. Happy Valentines day! x
HI! remember me? no? i don't blame you. My room mate may not either.
I haven't unpacked my suitcase in almost 2 months.
I haven't had more than 5 full hours of sleep yet, this year. It may
have something to do with the fact that i also haven't really slept in
a bed yet this year. Im growing accustom to... Read More