everything sg

The place to talk, ask questions, and make suggestions about SG and everything related to it: the site, the merch, the live shows, and more! Announcements made here.


Silliness, randomness, drunkenness, attention-whoring, entire threads devoted to pictures of kittens. It's all in here. For when you have nothing to say but just can't stop posting.

fetish photography

This group will act as a showcase and forum for fetish photographers, models and the freaks that love us. So, if you are a budding or professional fetish photographer, a model or even an admirer... don't be afraid. We don't bite (that hard).

foot fetish

For foot lovers and those who love foot-lovin! Tasty toes, sumptuous soles, bitchin heels, sheer stockings and more. Care to share your foot photo stash? Show off your toes?

voyeurs and exhibitionists

For those who like to watch, show off, or a bit of both. This is a closed group, access is on an approved basis using the following criteria: Don't be a creep. To join this group you must be an active member of the site, meaning you post comments on …

SuicideGirls Only

SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY. All posts in this group and information disclosed are private and confidential; not to be shared outside the group.

suicidegirls hispano hablantes

¡Bienvenida a nuestro grupo! Tenemos el objetivo de informar y de hacer crecer nuestra comunidad HispanoHablante. ¡No te quedes fuera! RECUERDA TENER TU PAIS O UN INDICATIVO DE DONDE PROCEDES PARA CONFIRMAR QUE ERES HISPANOHABLANTE, SOLO MODELOS NO MIEMBROS