Hooomuhgawd why is the sun up. What are responsibilities. Hnghfffk. Oct 23, 2014 34 Facebook Tweet Email damian_stark: Hahahaha! Oct 23, 2014 aliashavoc: Responsibilities? What are those? Are they edible? Oct 23, 2014
I'm tired as butttttt. So here's muh butt. Oct 22, 2014 38 Facebook Tweet Email jaronalpen: +1 also tired as butt. But, your butt is a better butt. #buttlife Oct 22, 2014 1
Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuu I want dis. Oct 22, 2014 31 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS klaudeman: Looks amazing! Oct 23, 2014 kriskrazy8: Yeah...I like dis!!! Oct 23, 2014 1
PENIS ARM Oct 21, 2014 27 Facebook Tweet Email baalseraph: There's no penis in that picture, but that's actually not a problem. :) Oct 21, 2014
DO THE MYSPACE. BREAK YO BACKS. Oct 20, 2014 39 Facebook Tweet Email gregoryray87: Lol great pic :) Oct 20, 2014 kalchaamer: *lol* the 2nd one is perfect Oct 21, 2014
ATTACK ON SENTINELS? Oct 20, 2014 35 Facebook Tweet Email captainfurious: Awesome shirt Oct 20, 2014 1 onikaras: Love it Oct 20, 2014