Honored to be posted by @detesteapparels they are the bees knees! Jul 23, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email
I'm sending two more. But if there's one you'd rather post let me know Jul 22, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email
Oh ladies and gentlemen. .. These guys are awesome and the new line comes out super soon. #detestea Jul 22, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email
Sooo only to 2 hours to crack this dick face then reset passwords and update it. So annoyed and cou Jul 22, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email
Happy Birthday to this guy!!! @mantismatthew I hope you have a good day. #mcm Jul 21, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email
Can I go back to yesterday when I didn't have to wear pants and I could wear a,sweet tee not a blou Jul 18, 2014 16 Facebook Tweet Email
Hey ya filthy animals! #southernsg #detesteapparel #girlswithtattoos Jul 17, 2014 19 Facebook Tweet Email
This isn't even my dog. He's being a big sad baby since @brandonj1235 is out of town. Jul 17, 2014 8 Facebook Tweet Email
I prefer vans on both feet but I guess this works. #notcool Jul 16, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email jthebarber09: Ohhhh man, hope you feel better soon Jul 16, 2014