my real name is heather potter @suicidegirls #suicidegirlsglasses #suicidegirlsgeekology #suicideg Jun 4, 2015 50 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS gumballhead: Hey! Your the kid who's been writing graffiti on my garage! Jun 4, 2015 twitchling: Holy shit smoking hair cut Jul 7, 2015
so in case you didn't know this little lady ( @missysuicide ) is my favorite! she makes me so incr May 26, 2015 33 Facebook Tweet Email missy: awwww so sweet! May 26, 2015 2
sneaking @suicidegirls #sgmerch May 26, 2015 54 Facebook Tweet Email tadhg6: I love the whole shy but you have going on beautiful. May 26, 2015 maggie_fracture: You are so gorgeous May 26, 2015
coming down to the month stretch until love potion hits #memberreview on @suicidegirls 📷 @joelaph May 23, 2015 43 Facebook Tweet Email gumballhead: Oh boy! May 23, 2015 realmittler: 😍 May 24, 2015
puppy snuggles May 19, 2015 42 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS benpeterson: I've had to stringers there the best! May 20, 2015 benpeterson: Springers May 20, 2015
hanging out, May 13, 2015 31 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS njdevilsfan8212: I loved Alaska! Went there for vacation a few years ago and wanted to move there. May 16, 2015 theatombomb: Beautiful! May 16, 2015
the thing i love about pixie cuts is how unapologetic they are. it's the fuck off of haircuts and m May 13, 2015 47 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS jacleric: the real "fuck off" of hairdos is shaving your head. And I bet you'd be hot like that, too. ;) Would bring out those big eyes even more May 13, 2015 gemman1: Love the Haircut May 16, 2015
#preach May 13, 2015 23 Facebook Tweet Email maggie_fracture: The empowerment is in the choice ❤️ May 13, 2015 2