Well, this is going to really fuck me up but it’s not about me, you being happy is what I want and if that means me gone , well umm so be it love u Angel, I always will


Even more so that you just walked away and didn’t even say your fuck off just walked off like I don’t even exist. The only other person to treat me this way was my wife and it was the most brutal form of torture that exsists

Not sure posting on her page so everyone can see is the best way to go about this

I am fairly upset that you can just throw me away like this, to be honest we are very alike in our likes and dislikes and hobbies, we are actually fairly  similar. It’s hard for me to believe that i am getting shit canned like this, like it has me pretty pissed off really


You will never hear from me again, and thanks for ripping me off one last time , you made sure all your little fuckboys got there shit and burned me


So that was you on telegram and you would rather have a big public blow out fight rather than speak to me like a human

I said I was sorry and it won’t happen again

Hey it’s Jayme, I am sorry for all of this, I really truly am, I hope someday you will forgive me, I am very sorry ok, I love you and I miss you very b much 

From jfg667


I worship at your alter, because perfection such as you can only have come from the Gods.

$25.00 Tip From pcrusan


Beautiful ink and intriguing poses.  Really compelling facial expressions.

$3.00 Tip From Anonymous


$10.00 Tip From Anonymous


Absolutely loved this set! Thank you for being on here.

$3.00 Tip From Anonymous
