TOPIC: If you could meet anyone from the past or present, who would it be and what would you ask them?

@missy @rambo

This has been a long time coming. I have been wanting to post a blog on this topic for quite some time now! I think it is a great assignment. In doing my research for this blog, I realized that there is...
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Wow! Looks like you're really interested by the science on this world an their point of view of the science in current life. Seems like they've found somethings at that moment that we bringing back to live a few years ago especially Tesla! All those imaginations, creativity, relfexions and application! I would love to spend so many hours in their labs to observe nd learn about them now.... It should be interesting to talk about with you!
Edison wishes he could be Tesla.  Tesla spent his time on actual science, while Edison was busy electrucuting elephants, and being his own biggest fan/P.R. man. It's odd, and I had never thought about it, but it seems I have some unaddressed Edison hate in me. Don't ask me why.

Hiiii, figured it's about time for me to do some catching up and do a little blog homework. :) This assignment is from a little while ago, but it's a subject that I am very passionate about as an artist.

Who are your favorite artists? Share some of your favorite pieces by them! (@rambo @missy @lyxzen)

I truly could go on and on about this...
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Raphael. But I do have a pic of the Baldacchino in St Peters Basilica that Ill try to upload for you
Oh god, I used to love Lucian Freud, Carravaggio and Rembrandt. God. It's not that I don't like them now, just haven't put any time into art in a long time, though I have seen works from all three at various times in London. Rembrandt's self portraits are amazing. Jesus I used to be really into art when I was younger this is bringing up some old memories for me. Thanks @Orion.