so for some reason we didnt shoot the video...they said there wasnt enough room in my living room for all the cameras blah blah blah.........but i did do a photo shoot with sherri, who is so sweet and nice....and could easily be a suicide girl too. im wearing this really cute flourescent green tutu in it, on my purple velvet couch. i also got to... Read More about to film my intro for suicide girls. im sooooo nervous, i dont know why. i havent eaten all day, only drank coffee....thats probably why i feel weird. well, my makeup looks great......just sittin here wasting time, waiting for the crew to get here........
sorta getting the hang of this thing, so evrybodt says " congrats on going pink"...i guess its a good thing
i got fired on friday the 13th....i guess its a good thing, but getting fired is sorta humiliating. i was too old to work there cocktailing gig pays in three days what i made at the salon in two weeks. i cant wait for... Read More
im really frustrated and pissed because i had about 15 comments yesterday, and now they are all gone. everybody said i resembeled voltaire she is so hot. i dont know where all the comments went..... weird