New ink! Jun 6, 2014 20 Facebook Tweet Email Yesterday was a good day! Got some new ink on my half sleeve!! Welcome ugabuga :D fietsbel: That second picture :-) Jun 6, 2014
So now I have to wear these bad boys! May 25, 2014 31 Facebook Tweet Email simp04: Those are smoking hot!! May 25, 2014 cigarman1988: Those glasses make your sexy eyes stand out even more Dec 6, 2014
Selfie Sunday? So nice not to be wearing make up for a change! May 18, 2014 37 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS io_: PERF 💋 May 18, 2014 bucolic: no makeup and still a knockout! May 18, 2014
Got some new ink last week! Super stoked!! :) May 18, 2014 16 Facebook Tweet Email elfrockstar: looks great May 18, 2014
Apologise for the lack of updates guys! Here's a recent new picture tho! :) May 7, 2014 35 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS lotif: I'll ever accept your apologies if you post photos like this... ;) May 7, 2014 fietsbel: Hot! Jun 6, 2014
Me today! :) Apr 16, 2014 225 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 25 of 28 COMMENTS fietsbel: Lovely! Jun 6, 2014 bayharbourbutcha: Beautiful body!! Great shot!! Mar 20, 2015
Sundies! Apr 13, 2014 75 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS hammer963: beautiful and loving the hair! Apr 13, 2014 chefjefe: Love the red! Gorgeous Apr 13, 2014
Selfie Saturday <3 ;) Apr 12, 2014 59 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS unknownmisery: Zowie! Apr 13, 2014 fietsbel: very sexy set! Jun 6, 2014
Had such a busy week touring south east England this week! Here's a shot taken this week :) Apr 6, 2014 80 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 12 of 12 COMMENTS barberman: Beyond Stunning Apr 21, 2014 fietsbel: Beautiful. Jun 6, 2014