I will always love you.
Hi everyone, how was your Christmas?
I am still trying to figure out how to use this site, I am sooo not good with this new layout. I think I understand Facebook much better :D
I can't believe there's only few days left till the New Year. WOW 2014 already :D
I think it's gonna be the best year ever. So many changes :)
Hi Guys, most of you are in touch with me on Facebook. I don't use this site very often because I am really still unable to figure it out!!! :)
I know I must be the last person who still doesn't get it. If you still haven't added me to your friends list, please feel free to do it now - NAKISSA'S FACEBOOK.
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Dear everyone, this is my last resort and so I decided to make a post. My baby Indigo is sick, his stomach is stuffed with rocks and he needs a surgery immediately. If you would be able to help, every dollar counts and he and I would be forever grateful!!! I will pay you back in two or three months, and if...
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My puppy is very ill and needs a surgery.
He is so sad and sleeping and it breaks my heart to see this

This is such a horrible situation. I moved to LA county and here I am with my little puppy.
Last week, Sunday at 10 PM at night he was very ill and I...
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