Hi @missy and @rambo and every member of this world!

Five years ago I was a little girl coming from a little place in the south of Italy discovering the magic world of a bigger city with several cultures, a lot of people and a funny nightlife.

I met this man. He was 20 years older than me.

I felt in love very soon. He...
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Hi @missy and @rambo and hi everyone!

This is my first blog homework so I'm a little bit eccited.

I want to talk about my favourite fictional character (FFC) and why.

Actually, I have a few!

I'm going to chose one for every media.

So...let's start!

FFC from books.

Sherlock Holmes, from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's wonderful mind.

I love the way he solves almost...
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Hah, props to you for Karen Walker, I LOVED her in Will & Grace. :P Mine would be Nathan Drake (Uncharted franchise), Trevor Phillips (GTA 5), Shovel Knight (main character in Shovel Knight. He's pretty much a silent protagonist, but I can't help but love his love story with Shield Knight) and Mega Man (from the classic Mega Man games).
UUUUH I forgot my favorite video game character! Ok, it's easy, it's Yoshi from Super Mario world <3 I love this little dinosaur!