I want to thank and give a big shout out to these souls here, @Fredhincanada and @Bo ! Fred is someone I have been getting close to since I rejoined SG, and he has been introducing me to some amazing ladies ever since. I am glad to know you, I can see from the energy and your beautiful friends give off. And DO NOT forget about This gorgeous an talented soul that is Bo! Check her and her work out on SG and Insta! She drew this and It leaves me with a smile every time I see it, Thank you!
Loving being a sex nerd and being totally involved in my interests, but it is a lot of work. Woof!
Sorry I’ve been away! I will get to messages and comments as soon as possible. Thanks have been very busy for me lately, with the tension and getting excepted into a sexual health alliance program to start my journey in becoming a sex therapist. I’m also working as a pure romance consultant selling sex toys and sex products. And I’m starting business with a fellow friend, it’s going to be realistic, animal ears. Perfect for the furry community. I got to get on here a little more, and spread some love. I really do enjoy the community of suicide girls. It’s the one place I can come to you and share love with other guys and gals have an alternative lifestyle. So much love here to give, it’s beautiful.