From October 31 until November 2 dozens of bands will gather in New Orleans to create the Voodoo Music Festival. One of those bands will be Mindless Self Indulgence. MSI is one of the most unique industrial bands out there today. Wait check that, they are one of the most unique bands in general. Frontman Jimmy Urine may hate doing the music but he loves to get up on stage and fuck with the audience. From kissing the entire front row to drinking his own piss and spitting it on the audience Urine is one of the nuttiest people to hit the music stage since GG Allin.
MSI calls themselves NYC's first industrial band but the lead guy also named himself Urine. Anyone that can get to the show must report on the SG boards because when the 50 Cent crowd meets up with the MSI crowd its going to be a real different experience.
Check out the website for the Voodoo Music Festival.
Daniel Robert Epstein: Good to talk to you again. No I'm just kidding we've never spoken before.
Jimmy Urine: Good because I thought your name was Danielle and that you were a chick. We've got to start off fresh.
DRE: Are you psyched about the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans?
JU: It's spooky. I'm going to put a hex on that shit. I got my chicken heads and everything.
DRE: Are you going to dress in the black top hat and paint yourself like a skeleton?
JU: Naw just not going to eat for a couple of days and probably get the same effect.
DRE: Are you going to check out the show too?
JU: If I wake up. Mostly I sleep all the time when we're on tour. But I hate music. I'll probably be eating a Po boy sandwich a fucking catfish Po boy sandwich with extra Po Boy.
DRE: You hate music?
JU: I don't like music very much.
DRE: Well I know you don't like your own band.
JU: If I don't like my own then what do I think of other people's bands. I got video games on the bus you can't drag me away from them.
DRE: What games you got there?
JU: The usual, anything I can get bootlegged.
DRE: Have you played Enter the Matrix?
JU: Not yet. I like all the kind of rachety clankity games, Wario and Mario. Couch punching "I can't fucking believe I did that" games. Those are the best.
DRE: Ever since it came out that Arnold Schwarzenegger had orgies in the 1970's I want to know who else is orgying out. Do you have orgies?
JU: My orgy consists of me using my left hand and my right hand at the same time. That's my orgy. You know what it's like having two girls in the band, my menstrual cycle is off that's it. I think I'm on their menstrual cycle now.
DRE: Thirty years from now when you run for governor I want people to read this interview.
JU: You want to bring me down. You want to have some extra leverage when I start raising taxes. I'll have to pay you off.
DRE: You guys are nuts onstage. Was it always like that?
JU: From the beginning baby. I've never been in any other band. I've seriously never done anything else but hang out with Steve and going nuts and fucking some shit up.
DRE: Just to bring up someone that's obviously influenced. Late in Groucho Marx's life he couldn't make fun of people anymore because they liked being made fun of by Groucho Marx.
JU: Exactly the idea has become the institution. The last tour was our big headlining tour which was very successful. It was called Alienating our Audience and we spent the whole time berating everybody. Now we have to go out again, what's it going to be called "We weren't kidding last time we really meant it. Don't you get it?"
DRE: Do some people hate it?
JU: That's the best thing it divides people down the middle. People either fucking love it or they want to fucking kill me. Its Grateful Dead type stuff where they follow us to every show so you see the same kids every night its like "Didn't you see me do this last night? You know what I'm going to do. Let's just hang out and have coffee."
DRE: Do people like getting pissed on?
JU: I don't know. We're very immature so it appeals to a younger audience. Anybody who is really old is going to be hanging out at the bar while the 13 year olds are going to be up front getting their ass kicked.
DRE: Was anyone a piece of shit bigot, and return the album after they bought it?
JU: I don't know, I definitely put it out there, anytime somebody tells us, like oh man you said some shit . I'm like here's 20 bucks, just give me the friggin record back so I can resell it.
DRE: The funny thing is that the Led Zeppelin people really hated that song, but people were ok when you ask people to kill themselves.
JU: I know! I love that, that's my favorite. People care about their guitar heroes. They obviously don't want change, if you look at the way music is right now. They want it to be the same old shit.
DRE: I was surprised to see that you guys toured with Korn and ICP, just because, they seemed to have lost some credibility.
JU: When we toured with them it was a while ago, so they weren't totally un-credibled yet, but people think that you can go out with anybody because you're in a band. And they are like, you guys are my favorite band and they are my favorite band so you guys should tour together. And it doesn't work like that, ever. It's literally like who you know, and with a lot of bands it's like either we've gotten lucky or its trial by fire. But almost a lot of that stuff has been actual invitations from the leads. Whether it's been bands that we actually love or bands that we have a cool relationship with or whatever, it's always been real friendly behind the scenes. With Korn, Johnathan Davis pushed to have us on tour. And that's how it is in this business anyway, which you have to get the crap beat out of you to learn. Any band that you see that all of a sudden just appears on MTV, there is a big fucken reason they are on there. It's not just like their music connects with the kids, no, he knows somebody or somebody is pushing that, or this is going to be this record label's big push for that year. There is some reason; it just doesn't come out of nowhere. It's all that crappy political stuff, I just want to bang my head.
DRE: How was it breaking off from the big label and starting your own?
JU: It was like a big war with Elektra, but there are hardly any labels anymore, there are like 3 now. EMI just bought some other stuff, there is going to be just one. They are all dying anyway because they can't compete, the movie industry doesn't have a problem because there are DVD's and nobody is really burning movies. The record industry doesn't know what to do about the MP3's, and they are just losing it, losing it, losing it, and they are owned by some giant fucking bottling company anyway. Like Schweppes owns Elektra and they don't give a crap about them. They are like just give us your check and get the hell out of here. They just want to sign someone like the White Stripes and give them twenty thousand dollars. It's the worst business in the world and now it's becoming lame. It's not that kind of lotto that it was in the 90's.
DRE: People are a little stingier now, I guess.
JU: Well I wouldn't blame them. They have no money, they have no power, and they have no leverage. So it's like you're going to see Britney Spears for the rest of your life, just because she makes money. It's all about who makes money.
DRE: I don't mind seeing her as much as listening to her.
JU: Both things are so hand & hand, hit the mute button.
Where is my friggin account by the way, I need to jack off or something.
DRE: We'll get you one. The game Breakout on your website is really hard, the ball moves too fast.
JU: Yeah I know what you are going to do man.
DRE: I can't handle it.
I spoke to Steve O a while back and he likes to hurt himself also. He said that he is not too into GG Allin because he doesn't seem like GG was having any fun. Like he was just a psycho.
JU: Yeah, GG went out like a punk though. That's my biggest problem with GG. Did you hear all the stuff that he was going to do for his big ender?
DRE: Oh yeah he was going to kill himself on stage.
JU: Yeah, he was going to take out the audience, then shoot himself. He was going to lube up a stick of dynamite and stick it up his ass, and blow his whole fucking body apart. And then he's like ok man, see you tomorrow. And then he goes out with heroin, I'm like lame ass ending.
DRE: Are you guys into drugs?
JU: No we're not into drugs. You know what I like to do? I love this and everybody doesn't believe me but its fucken good. You get yourself 4 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and you get yourself a Cherry Coke, and you leave the Cherry Coke out all day until it's completely flat and then you eat the peanut butter cups and then you chug the entire Cherry Coke, and in about 2 seconds, you'll have 15 minutes of amazingly crazy energy and then you'll never going to be able to do another thing for about 4 hours. If I eat a box of cookies, I'll be up for 3 days so I don't really want to do a line of cocaine although people offer it to me all the time.
DRE: I used to wash down Lemonheads with Dr. Pepper.
JU: Yeah you know what I'm talking about. Cherry Coke and Pixie sticks and you're set, a whole night full of fun.
DRE: Have you tried the inside out peanut butter cups yet?
JU: No, I want to though. I did the Uh Oh Oreo's though.
DRE: Which ones are those?
JU: Those are the ones where they made the cookie vanilla and the inside chocolate.
DRE: Oh I haven't seen those.
JU: Yeah they're called Uh Oh Oreo's because they fucked up!
DRE: Oh my god!
JU: They might as well call them we fucked up Oreo's
DRE: Whenever I talk to people I always seem to end up talking about candy.
JU: You know why, because man, [laughs] because you're so gushy and sweet.
DRE: I love candy, that's what it is.
Do you really hate you're audiences, or you're just out there having fun and it's a great thing?
JU: I get to do what I want. The audience is fun. I want to be entertained that's my whole thing. I'm not entertained if I'm doing the same fricken thing every damn night. So I got to make it different, and have entertainment and if the difference is that I push over Steve's mike stand and he beats me with a guitar and then I go ouch I better not do that again. Then that's ok.
DRE: Did Steve ever say I don't want to do that you're just sick?
JU: No not really, we've done tons of stuff. The only thing that ever surprised me is that when I don't see it coming and I run right into him. When he dropkicks me or something. And now I'm on my back, ok I guess we're going to do it from down here.
DRE: Did you guys play this week?
JU: No we're going on tour towards the end of October.
DRE: Who are you touring with?
JU: Mindless Self Indulgence, have you heard of them?
Another mindless tour, we're going to get some openers, I'm not sure who the openers are yet, I don't think they have confirmed.
DRE: Oh that's right you guys are going to be in NY in December, I can't wait to see that.
JU: Three nights at Irving Plaza, talk about repetitive audience.
DRE: [laughs].Are you closer to sucking or closer to becoming a born again Christian?
JU: Closer to sucking what?
DRE: I heard you guys are going to quit when either you suck or become born again Christians.
JU: Oh man, you do your homework, I forgot about that quote. I must have been on Pixie sticks when I made that comment. I'm closer to avoiding work. I'm closer to oh, jeez I got to make another record. I got to read a comic book today, I got to go jack off to porn, oh.
DRE: What comics do you read?
JU: Oh man, don't even start dude, cause yo man I went like yo. You know what I'm sayin? [laughs] I went all into ebay for comics.
DRE: Oh yeah that will kill you.
JU: Anything by Richard Corben, Moebius, Milo Manara.
DRE: Oh the good stuff.
JU: The Euros all the Euros. I'm fucken geeked out.
DRE: Can you believe Richard Corben does mainstream comics now.
JU: But their great I love the Banner and Cage miniseries.
DRE: It's amazing that he's 65 years old and he's a hot artist. It's so wild.
JU: If there is one thing we should play, is a comic book convention, last time I went to one I got clocked by 300 huge dudes.
DRE: How old are you anyway?
JU: I'm old enough to know that you touching me is wrong. [laughs].
DRE: [laughs] OK I know you saw the Pokemon bitches video right?
JU: Yeah, that's great, you know what I like about our kids, and they're a bunch of fricken geeks. You should go the website and check out the fan art. They're good.
DRE: Pikachu finally made sense to me.
JU: I like it when that stuff happens, the Pikachu stuff and the kids know everything. Most of our kids are probably not going to be doing heroin. More like playing Magic the Gathering in the basement somewhere.
DRE: I went to one of those once, the larps.
JU: Oh fucken gamers, fuck the gamers. I hate the gamers.
DRE: It was very confusing to me I just wanted to eat and hit on the hot girls.
JU: They are so annoying I don't like the gamers.
DRE: I read this funny quote, well not that funny, Beasties are to hip hop what you guys are to industrial music.
JU: It must have not been us saying it because it's not very funny.
DRE: I'm just not sure what that means.
JU: I don't know what the hell that means either. We are to Reese's peanut butter cups what ZZ Top is to Zydeco Music. You could pretty much say that about anything couldn't you?
Is industrial even around anymore? I think we are the last electronic band on the face of the earth at this point.
DRE: I was talking to KMFDM the other day, and he is just like we were never industrial anyway.
JU: Yeah let's repackage.
DRE: He confused me.
JU: Industrial is dead. All electronic music is dead. We killed it. it's all our fault. If KMFDM wants to blame someone they can blame us.
DRE: What's the craziest thing anyone threw on stage at you?
JU: The one I always remember is live shotgun shells. Somebody threw an open Swiss army knife at Kitty and luckily she deflected it with her cymbal. Also fun gross stuff like stink bombs, firecrackers, mustard on bagels and crap like that. I'm hoping for some Po Boy sandwiches at the Voodoo Fest. That's going to be a fun crowd because when it's our crowd they love us so I can slap them around. But I miss the fun days when we toured with Insane Clown Posse and the crowd only wants to see ICP so it's a trial by fire. But no matter who we open for we never leave the stage until it is time to go. We love that shit when they go nuts.
When we've opened for other bands at universities the crowd doesn't seem to care, they want to go listen to The Strokes or something. They're too intellectual for us. But when we open for a Godsmack crowd they want to fucking kill us. We get some reaction from them.
DRE: What's the craziest thing you ever threw back?
JU: It was probably peeing in a cup, drinking my own piss, asking people to make out with me and having hundreds of people say yes. That's the funnest thing to do.
DRE: What's piss taste like?
JU: Like warm beer which tastes like fucking piss anyway. I hate beer. If you're going to get drunk do it right, vodka. Drinking beer is like drinking piss and eating bread. It's going to get you fat.
DRE: I pee all the time, everyday and often I wonder what it tastes like. So it's not a big deal?
JU: Its just piss. Hell Jesus drank his own piss. I am JC, me and him got something in common.
DRE: In your youth were you a troublemaker?
JU: No I was invisible which my problem is probably. In high school I didn't really know anybody or do anything. Catholic middle school was my favorite because that was like Bart Simpson time then I got transferred out because I failed. I guess my religious workbook wasn't up to par and my penmanship sucked.
DRE: I thought when you failed they just hit you with rulers or something?
JU: Have you ever been to Catholic school?
DRE: I'm Jewish. I went to Hebrew school. I got kicked out of class a lot too.
JU: See it's the same fucking thing but just different skirts. Yours were gray ours were plaid. There's no difference, can't we join hands, and can't you just get over Palestine.
DRE: I never went to Hasidic school but I used to live near an all girls Hasidic school and I once saw them playing soccer in their long jeans skirts.
JU: Damn that must chafe. They have to overcome adversity like the Special Olympics.
DRE: Did you ever do anything when you were a kid that you look back on fondly now?
JU: I liked my life when I was a kid. I was fine until all this shit started. My parents were rich and I didn't have to worry about nothing. I probably could have been a doctor or a lawyer. If anything I wonder why I do this.
I was upper middle class in Manhattan with a summer home.
DRE: A lot of artists don't like to admit they grew up with money.
JU: Probably the happiest moment in my life was when mom said that I don't have to borrow her credit card anymore.
DRE: Has Mindless Self Indulgence been accepted more? Maybe you get less flack for doing what you do.
JU: We always get flack. There is always some reason to hate Mindless Self Indulgence. I don't know why, you think people would get it. When we first put the whole thing together someone always pisses on us in some way. You would think it would be incredibly easy now to do what we do because we were around before Jackass, before Tom Green and now that's what kids love. We're doing great on our own now that we're not on a major label because we are not a square peg in a square hole.
DRE: Is there money to be made with Mindless Self Indulgence?
JU: This a no brainer on a lot of levels. The big labels didn't know what to do with us. We knew but I don't think they were prepared for us knowing how to market ourselves. We had fight every step of the way and once we went independent its worked out so much better.
DRE: Do you have any tattoos?
JU: No I'm waiting until I'm fifty then I'm going to do the whole Yakuza thing and get a big dragon on my back. Every time I think of something I don't know if I want it forever.
DRE: What kind of women are you attracted to?
JU: Just about anything at this point. I have a dick and it gets hard then that's good. I walk down the street and if I see a girl and my dick gets hard that's and if I see a boy that's good too and same with seeing a chicken. If my dick gets hard and I want to fuck it then that's good. People like to attach labels to themselves, straight, gay, S &M, it's just so simple. It doesn't matter what you do whether its horrible or mainstream or boring, you know what turns you on. So why the big brouhaha.
DRE: Are there chickens that are better looking than other chickens?
JU: Some chickens yeah. But if a girl wants to impress me she's just got to pee her pants and I'm there.
DRE: Do you spend time on the internet?
JU: Looking for porn because that's all its good for.
DRE: What porn do you like?
JU: Just peeing stuff but I don't pay for it.
Check out the website for Mindless Self Indulgence
By Daniel Robert Epstein
MSI calls themselves NYC's first industrial band but the lead guy also named himself Urine. Anyone that can get to the show must report on the SG boards because when the 50 Cent crowd meets up with the MSI crowd its going to be a real different experience.
Check out the website for the Voodoo Music Festival.
Daniel Robert Epstein: Good to talk to you again. No I'm just kidding we've never spoken before.
Jimmy Urine: Good because I thought your name was Danielle and that you were a chick. We've got to start off fresh.
DRE: Are you psyched about the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans?
JU: It's spooky. I'm going to put a hex on that shit. I got my chicken heads and everything.
DRE: Are you going to dress in the black top hat and paint yourself like a skeleton?
JU: Naw just not going to eat for a couple of days and probably get the same effect.
DRE: Are you going to check out the show too?
JU: If I wake up. Mostly I sleep all the time when we're on tour. But I hate music. I'll probably be eating a Po boy sandwich a fucking catfish Po boy sandwich with extra Po Boy.
DRE: You hate music?
JU: I don't like music very much.
DRE: Well I know you don't like your own band.
JU: If I don't like my own then what do I think of other people's bands. I got video games on the bus you can't drag me away from them.
DRE: What games you got there?
JU: The usual, anything I can get bootlegged.
DRE: Have you played Enter the Matrix?
JU: Not yet. I like all the kind of rachety clankity games, Wario and Mario. Couch punching "I can't fucking believe I did that" games. Those are the best.
DRE: Ever since it came out that Arnold Schwarzenegger had orgies in the 1970's I want to know who else is orgying out. Do you have orgies?
JU: My orgy consists of me using my left hand and my right hand at the same time. That's my orgy. You know what it's like having two girls in the band, my menstrual cycle is off that's it. I think I'm on their menstrual cycle now.
DRE: Thirty years from now when you run for governor I want people to read this interview.
JU: You want to bring me down. You want to have some extra leverage when I start raising taxes. I'll have to pay you off.
DRE: You guys are nuts onstage. Was it always like that?
JU: From the beginning baby. I've never been in any other band. I've seriously never done anything else but hang out with Steve and going nuts and fucking some shit up.
DRE: Just to bring up someone that's obviously influenced. Late in Groucho Marx's life he couldn't make fun of people anymore because they liked being made fun of by Groucho Marx.
JU: Exactly the idea has become the institution. The last tour was our big headlining tour which was very successful. It was called Alienating our Audience and we spent the whole time berating everybody. Now we have to go out again, what's it going to be called "We weren't kidding last time we really meant it. Don't you get it?"
DRE: Do some people hate it?
JU: That's the best thing it divides people down the middle. People either fucking love it or they want to fucking kill me. Its Grateful Dead type stuff where they follow us to every show so you see the same kids every night its like "Didn't you see me do this last night? You know what I'm going to do. Let's just hang out and have coffee."
DRE: Do people like getting pissed on?
JU: I don't know. We're very immature so it appeals to a younger audience. Anybody who is really old is going to be hanging out at the bar while the 13 year olds are going to be up front getting their ass kicked.
DRE: Was anyone a piece of shit bigot, and return the album after they bought it?
JU: I don't know, I definitely put it out there, anytime somebody tells us, like oh man you said some shit . I'm like here's 20 bucks, just give me the friggin record back so I can resell it.
DRE: The funny thing is that the Led Zeppelin people really hated that song, but people were ok when you ask people to kill themselves.
JU: I know! I love that, that's my favorite. People care about their guitar heroes. They obviously don't want change, if you look at the way music is right now. They want it to be the same old shit.
DRE: I was surprised to see that you guys toured with Korn and ICP, just because, they seemed to have lost some credibility.
JU: When we toured with them it was a while ago, so they weren't totally un-credibled yet, but people think that you can go out with anybody because you're in a band. And they are like, you guys are my favorite band and they are my favorite band so you guys should tour together. And it doesn't work like that, ever. It's literally like who you know, and with a lot of bands it's like either we've gotten lucky or its trial by fire. But almost a lot of that stuff has been actual invitations from the leads. Whether it's been bands that we actually love or bands that we have a cool relationship with or whatever, it's always been real friendly behind the scenes. With Korn, Johnathan Davis pushed to have us on tour. And that's how it is in this business anyway, which you have to get the crap beat out of you to learn. Any band that you see that all of a sudden just appears on MTV, there is a big fucken reason they are on there. It's not just like their music connects with the kids, no, he knows somebody or somebody is pushing that, or this is going to be this record label's big push for that year. There is some reason; it just doesn't come out of nowhere. It's all that crappy political stuff, I just want to bang my head.
DRE: How was it breaking off from the big label and starting your own?
JU: It was like a big war with Elektra, but there are hardly any labels anymore, there are like 3 now. EMI just bought some other stuff, there is going to be just one. They are all dying anyway because they can't compete, the movie industry doesn't have a problem because there are DVD's and nobody is really burning movies. The record industry doesn't know what to do about the MP3's, and they are just losing it, losing it, losing it, and they are owned by some giant fucking bottling company anyway. Like Schweppes owns Elektra and they don't give a crap about them. They are like just give us your check and get the hell out of here. They just want to sign someone like the White Stripes and give them twenty thousand dollars. It's the worst business in the world and now it's becoming lame. It's not that kind of lotto that it was in the 90's.
DRE: People are a little stingier now, I guess.
JU: Well I wouldn't blame them. They have no money, they have no power, and they have no leverage. So it's like you're going to see Britney Spears for the rest of your life, just because she makes money. It's all about who makes money.
DRE: I don't mind seeing her as much as listening to her.
JU: Both things are so hand & hand, hit the mute button.
Where is my friggin account by the way, I need to jack off or something.
DRE: We'll get you one. The game Breakout on your website is really hard, the ball moves too fast.
JU: Yeah I know what you are going to do man.
DRE: I can't handle it.
I spoke to Steve O a while back and he likes to hurt himself also. He said that he is not too into GG Allin because he doesn't seem like GG was having any fun. Like he was just a psycho.
JU: Yeah, GG went out like a punk though. That's my biggest problem with GG. Did you hear all the stuff that he was going to do for his big ender?
DRE: Oh yeah he was going to kill himself on stage.
JU: Yeah, he was going to take out the audience, then shoot himself. He was going to lube up a stick of dynamite and stick it up his ass, and blow his whole fucking body apart. And then he's like ok man, see you tomorrow. And then he goes out with heroin, I'm like lame ass ending.
DRE: Are you guys into drugs?
JU: No we're not into drugs. You know what I like to do? I love this and everybody doesn't believe me but its fucken good. You get yourself 4 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and you get yourself a Cherry Coke, and you leave the Cherry Coke out all day until it's completely flat and then you eat the peanut butter cups and then you chug the entire Cherry Coke, and in about 2 seconds, you'll have 15 minutes of amazingly crazy energy and then you'll never going to be able to do another thing for about 4 hours. If I eat a box of cookies, I'll be up for 3 days so I don't really want to do a line of cocaine although people offer it to me all the time.
DRE: I used to wash down Lemonheads with Dr. Pepper.
JU: Yeah you know what I'm talking about. Cherry Coke and Pixie sticks and you're set, a whole night full of fun.
DRE: Have you tried the inside out peanut butter cups yet?
JU: No, I want to though. I did the Uh Oh Oreo's though.
DRE: Which ones are those?
JU: Those are the ones where they made the cookie vanilla and the inside chocolate.
DRE: Oh I haven't seen those.
JU: Yeah they're called Uh Oh Oreo's because they fucked up!
DRE: Oh my god!
JU: They might as well call them we fucked up Oreo's
DRE: Whenever I talk to people I always seem to end up talking about candy.
JU: You know why, because man, [laughs] because you're so gushy and sweet.
DRE: I love candy, that's what it is.
Do you really hate you're audiences, or you're just out there having fun and it's a great thing?
JU: I get to do what I want. The audience is fun. I want to be entertained that's my whole thing. I'm not entertained if I'm doing the same fricken thing every damn night. So I got to make it different, and have entertainment and if the difference is that I push over Steve's mike stand and he beats me with a guitar and then I go ouch I better not do that again. Then that's ok.
DRE: Did Steve ever say I don't want to do that you're just sick?
JU: No not really, we've done tons of stuff. The only thing that ever surprised me is that when I don't see it coming and I run right into him. When he dropkicks me or something. And now I'm on my back, ok I guess we're going to do it from down here.
DRE: Did you guys play this week?
JU: No we're going on tour towards the end of October.
DRE: Who are you touring with?
JU: Mindless Self Indulgence, have you heard of them?
Another mindless tour, we're going to get some openers, I'm not sure who the openers are yet, I don't think they have confirmed.
DRE: Oh that's right you guys are going to be in NY in December, I can't wait to see that.
JU: Three nights at Irving Plaza, talk about repetitive audience.
DRE: [laughs].Are you closer to sucking or closer to becoming a born again Christian?
JU: Closer to sucking what?
DRE: I heard you guys are going to quit when either you suck or become born again Christians.
JU: Oh man, you do your homework, I forgot about that quote. I must have been on Pixie sticks when I made that comment. I'm closer to avoiding work. I'm closer to oh, jeez I got to make another record. I got to read a comic book today, I got to go jack off to porn, oh.
DRE: What comics do you read?
JU: Oh man, don't even start dude, cause yo man I went like yo. You know what I'm sayin? [laughs] I went all into ebay for comics.
DRE: Oh yeah that will kill you.
JU: Anything by Richard Corben, Moebius, Milo Manara.
DRE: Oh the good stuff.
JU: The Euros all the Euros. I'm fucken geeked out.
DRE: Can you believe Richard Corben does mainstream comics now.
JU: But their great I love the Banner and Cage miniseries.
DRE: It's amazing that he's 65 years old and he's a hot artist. It's so wild.
JU: If there is one thing we should play, is a comic book convention, last time I went to one I got clocked by 300 huge dudes.
DRE: How old are you anyway?
JU: I'm old enough to know that you touching me is wrong. [laughs].
DRE: [laughs] OK I know you saw the Pokemon bitches video right?
JU: Yeah, that's great, you know what I like about our kids, and they're a bunch of fricken geeks. You should go the website and check out the fan art. They're good.
DRE: Pikachu finally made sense to me.
JU: I like it when that stuff happens, the Pikachu stuff and the kids know everything. Most of our kids are probably not going to be doing heroin. More like playing Magic the Gathering in the basement somewhere.
DRE: I went to one of those once, the larps.
JU: Oh fucken gamers, fuck the gamers. I hate the gamers.
DRE: It was very confusing to me I just wanted to eat and hit on the hot girls.
JU: They are so annoying I don't like the gamers.
DRE: I read this funny quote, well not that funny, Beasties are to hip hop what you guys are to industrial music.
JU: It must have not been us saying it because it's not very funny.
DRE: I'm just not sure what that means.
JU: I don't know what the hell that means either. We are to Reese's peanut butter cups what ZZ Top is to Zydeco Music. You could pretty much say that about anything couldn't you?
Is industrial even around anymore? I think we are the last electronic band on the face of the earth at this point.
DRE: I was talking to KMFDM the other day, and he is just like we were never industrial anyway.
JU: Yeah let's repackage.
DRE: He confused me.
JU: Industrial is dead. All electronic music is dead. We killed it. it's all our fault. If KMFDM wants to blame someone they can blame us.
DRE: What's the craziest thing anyone threw on stage at you?
JU: The one I always remember is live shotgun shells. Somebody threw an open Swiss army knife at Kitty and luckily she deflected it with her cymbal. Also fun gross stuff like stink bombs, firecrackers, mustard on bagels and crap like that. I'm hoping for some Po Boy sandwiches at the Voodoo Fest. That's going to be a fun crowd because when it's our crowd they love us so I can slap them around. But I miss the fun days when we toured with Insane Clown Posse and the crowd only wants to see ICP so it's a trial by fire. But no matter who we open for we never leave the stage until it is time to go. We love that shit when they go nuts.
When we've opened for other bands at universities the crowd doesn't seem to care, they want to go listen to The Strokes or something. They're too intellectual for us. But when we open for a Godsmack crowd they want to fucking kill us. We get some reaction from them.
DRE: What's the craziest thing you ever threw back?
JU: It was probably peeing in a cup, drinking my own piss, asking people to make out with me and having hundreds of people say yes. That's the funnest thing to do.
DRE: What's piss taste like?
JU: Like warm beer which tastes like fucking piss anyway. I hate beer. If you're going to get drunk do it right, vodka. Drinking beer is like drinking piss and eating bread. It's going to get you fat.
DRE: I pee all the time, everyday and often I wonder what it tastes like. So it's not a big deal?
JU: Its just piss. Hell Jesus drank his own piss. I am JC, me and him got something in common.
DRE: In your youth were you a troublemaker?
JU: No I was invisible which my problem is probably. In high school I didn't really know anybody or do anything. Catholic middle school was my favorite because that was like Bart Simpson time then I got transferred out because I failed. I guess my religious workbook wasn't up to par and my penmanship sucked.
DRE: I thought when you failed they just hit you with rulers or something?
JU: Have you ever been to Catholic school?
DRE: I'm Jewish. I went to Hebrew school. I got kicked out of class a lot too.
JU: See it's the same fucking thing but just different skirts. Yours were gray ours were plaid. There's no difference, can't we join hands, and can't you just get over Palestine.
DRE: I never went to Hasidic school but I used to live near an all girls Hasidic school and I once saw them playing soccer in their long jeans skirts.
JU: Damn that must chafe. They have to overcome adversity like the Special Olympics.
DRE: Did you ever do anything when you were a kid that you look back on fondly now?
JU: I liked my life when I was a kid. I was fine until all this shit started. My parents were rich and I didn't have to worry about nothing. I probably could have been a doctor or a lawyer. If anything I wonder why I do this.
I was upper middle class in Manhattan with a summer home.
DRE: A lot of artists don't like to admit they grew up with money.
JU: Probably the happiest moment in my life was when mom said that I don't have to borrow her credit card anymore.
DRE: Has Mindless Self Indulgence been accepted more? Maybe you get less flack for doing what you do.
JU: We always get flack. There is always some reason to hate Mindless Self Indulgence. I don't know why, you think people would get it. When we first put the whole thing together someone always pisses on us in some way. You would think it would be incredibly easy now to do what we do because we were around before Jackass, before Tom Green and now that's what kids love. We're doing great on our own now that we're not on a major label because we are not a square peg in a square hole.
DRE: Is there money to be made with Mindless Self Indulgence?
JU: This a no brainer on a lot of levels. The big labels didn't know what to do with us. We knew but I don't think they were prepared for us knowing how to market ourselves. We had fight every step of the way and once we went independent its worked out so much better.
DRE: Do you have any tattoos?
JU: No I'm waiting until I'm fifty then I'm going to do the whole Yakuza thing and get a big dragon on my back. Every time I think of something I don't know if I want it forever.
DRE: What kind of women are you attracted to?
JU: Just about anything at this point. I have a dick and it gets hard then that's good. I walk down the street and if I see a girl and my dick gets hard that's and if I see a boy that's good too and same with seeing a chicken. If my dick gets hard and I want to fuck it then that's good. People like to attach labels to themselves, straight, gay, S &M, it's just so simple. It doesn't matter what you do whether its horrible or mainstream or boring, you know what turns you on. So why the big brouhaha.
DRE: Are there chickens that are better looking than other chickens?
JU: Some chickens yeah. But if a girl wants to impress me she's just got to pee her pants and I'm there.
DRE: Do you spend time on the internet?
JU: Looking for porn because that's all its good for.
DRE: What porn do you like?
JU: Just peeing stuff but I don't pay for it.
Check out the website for Mindless Self Indulgence
By Daniel Robert Epstein
And when did having a piss-poor attitude suddenly make you edgy? I didn't get that memo or I would have been doing it long ago.