By the sill sit still; Listen to the wash on the roof; Specks and sheets form a symphony so complete to hush you quiet, Even still. An inundation. This libation to parched earth has been a meditation since birth; to ponder under the pitter-patter hiss and swish of exponential scales At the wrongness of raindrops in a sunbeam. Sit still, brood like the clouds that came to darken a June day, so silent they gathered over a land hard with memory, With fear for passing years and worries that grew like weeds in summer showers. Brief as thought these drops like jewels are set ablaze then strike the dirt; done. They flash for an instant in time, with no way back to an azure sky. There is no telling the distance, How high these clouds climb. Just the sound of falling rain, Listen.
SuicideGirls… became famous for embracing beauty in every shape and form — meaning bodies covered in tattoos, having bright-colored hair, and being outside of traditional beauty norms were celebrated. The name comes from the idea that women who commit “social suicide” by being different come together.
A nation wide art-sleaze phenomenon.
It’s like a punk rock Vogue…with artful nude photos of women.
Fifteen years ago, a small-but-passionate community that celebrated beauty in alternative, pinup-style photography was born. It was called SuicideGirls.
They’re the girls next door - but more colorful and with better record collections.
SuicideGirls respond… in the best way possible.
The meeting place for people interested in alternative lifestyles.
SuicideGirls is as much about community as it is about naked photos of tattooed women.
SuicideGirls is redefining concepts of beauty across the globe.