Saturday Jul 21, 2007 Jul 21, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email why is it that when i dont go to work till later, the sun isnt out now? VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS magnolia: because it seems when i have a day off, the weather has to be bad.... yet later in the day the sun did come out Jul 22, 2007 whitetrashkendol: I think it has something to do with global warming. Aug 7, 2007
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007 Jul 17, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email hey everyone i added some new pics....check them out! thanks xoxo magnolia VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS punkagent: haha you have quite the little following here... and rightfully so Jul 18, 2007 magnolia: what? Jul 18, 2007
yet later in the day the sun did come out