- on kmink's photo
- on kmink's photo
- on TOP FIVE BEST "STREAMERS" IN SG in top fives
- on Who is your SG family or tight group of friends here? in everything sg
- on niffler's blog post
- on shameless's blog post
Hi beautiful people, as you probably noticed I was away from live shows etc I decided to tell you why.
I've been through pretty hard time this few months I lost 2 family members. My dad has pneumonia and I'm terrified because I'm here in Cali and they're in Russia, I didn't hug my parents for almost 4 years yes we have a Facetime it's...
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Hi lovies Iโll be online today at 2pm pst on SG only fans account and here! Come join me for laugh and dances ๐
I'm streaming 'on my OF right now!x Come join me with %60 OFF for ONLY $6 https://onlyfans.com/magnea
Sorry guys I went MIA. After my recent go out in public I woke up with headache, body ache and mild fever. Just because I had test at home I decided to do just in case and sure thing I tested positive ๐ท
I'm running promo on my OF so If you can support your sick girl I would really appreciate it, cuz I can't...
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HI lovies!
I want to remind you that I'm participating in SG video contest!
Pls like this video! I need all the LOVE!!! Link below
See ya tomorrow on my stream 8pm pst=)
Hey, lovies!
Pls pls pls check my VIDEO and drop like=)
It's my bday month so would be cool if we can win!
Also I'm back for my normal streaming schedule so see you at 8pm PST!
Love ya!
xoxo, Magnea
The Force Awakens
SG Set
by leemalee