My old set most loved of 2018😱 thanks for all ❤️❤️
My old set most loved of 2018😱 thanks for all ❤️❤️
Do you wait it?)
My really hair without wigs - shоrt and pink) what is your fav hair color? Do you you have anything creative on your head?
I was got new wig) Do you like gray hair?)
This set was shooted a year and a half ago in the summer of 2016) It has been a long time since that moment and I've changed a lot) My hair changed and a sleeve appeared on my body. But it is so exciting and unexpected that in 9 months after the release of the set it was chosen for the Set Of the Day....
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I made an account on Patreon and I’m really happy😱 I like try new things and resources!
thanks for the support in my third set, it's very cool! I promise to download sets more often than it was lol
🚬Such photos immediately remind me of the atmosphere of «Fight Club». I had ambiguous relationships with cigarettes - I started to smoke at 11, as it usually happens - in school and to look steeper. Up to 19 years I smoked cigarettes and even more than one pack a day. Then at one point the cigarettes seemed to me very smelly and ridiculously huge in
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