$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


Please continue to post sets on here, as your work is memorizing.


I think you are amazing. I follow you on Instagram and love what you post. You seem to push the limits on what’s allowed on there lol. I love how you are so confident. You are very sexy! Keep posting!!


Hi Lunar, I saw you post in the bug thread but I am not able to post in the thread.Β  The short answer is that Instagram has removed the ability of SG and other sites/companies to access their API as a result of Facebook's increased scrutiny on what companies have access to their apps/services and the associated info.Β  SG is hoping to be able to regain access but as of right now there is no induction of when (if at all) that will happen.


Hey man! Hope you're well. I happened to see you in some music video a few days ago(where you abducted a guy(your bf I think)). Pretty cool vid & band. I must admit, I had quite a good chuckle though. I'll definitely be more careful of you now if I ever bump into you somewhere..😊

From sept


Thank you so much for your love and support on my latest set! I really appreciate it β™₯β™₯