My birthday is just around the corner (12 June) So this topic from @rambo and @missy could not be better.
So for my entire childhood, all I wanted was a pool party despite my birthday falling in the heart of the bitter Winter, every year I would beg my mom for a pool party and every year she would remind me that it was a...
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The great part of having life turned upside down is that you get a chance to change. A fresh start I guess. I remember how I felt the day the first picture was taken. I was single and traveling alone and for the first time in most of my life I felt ok. I had just met @darryldarko, I was dying of nerves, because he
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I just got my heart annihilated. I'll take any help I can get.
Coming from South Africa, international live bands are few and far between, we take what we can get. A world tour announced by a big artist. usually means the world minus South Africa. On the plus side, any live act is a treat. My sister works at the local radio station so whoever does decide to grace the shores of South Africa I have been...
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