Nice day out. Off to meet @dwbuxton to see if we can't make some nice photos. #selfie Aug 9, 2014 69 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS speedvash: Lovely Aug 14, 2014 mutantbaby1: big brown eyes :D Sep 10, 2014
Deleted the accidental nipslip photo from this morning... Oops. Have this #bts #flashbackfriday fro Aug 8, 2014 108 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS leone: Pretty 💕 Aug 11, 2014 scoli: <3<3 Aug 11, 2014
It's too early. 😩 My boy @robcocks has a big job interview today- go wish him luck 💜💜 Aug 7, 2014 62 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS brokenenglish: Gorgeous x Aug 10, 2014 kalchaamer: like that pic Aug 11, 2014
Love this photo. Totally me: messy hair, Johnny cupcakes, on my phone, tattoo shorts. By the amazin Aug 7, 2014 53 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS del: <3 Aug 7, 2014 kalchaamer: me too Aug 11, 2014
Love this photo. Totally me: messy hair, Johnny cupcakes, on my phone, tattoo shorts. By the amazin Aug 7, 2014 26 Facebook Tweet Email bjornmajestik: Beauty Captured.... <3 Feb 16, 2015
Just spoke to my blue on Skype. This is why I love @weenaiser so much. Hope we get to see each othe Aug 6, 2014 22 Facebook Tweet Email thepsychicbunny: I got a Totoro, when do we get to Skype? Aug 6, 2014 kalchaamer: cuties Aug 6, 2014
It may look like I'm drinking a cup of pee, but it's actually really yummy chamomile tea. 💛 #silly Aug 6, 2014 28 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS thepsychicbunny: Pee drinker! You cannot fool us. Aug 6, 2014 obelix100: And the difference would be? Aug 8, 2014
After seeing her new set in MR, I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful @pintsizedmiabelle is. Aug 6, 2014 52 Facebook Tweet Email johnny_longhair: Oh yes. She is a smokin' hot firecracker. 🔥💘😻 Aug 6, 2014 lucerne: Oh god yes @johnny_longhair Aug 6, 2014
No idea where all these followers are coming from but hello 😊❤️ @jayisapainter has made this beaut Aug 5, 2014 13 Facebook Tweet Email