Hello everyone!!!!
I hope all is well in your world. I havn't posted a blog in awhile sorry.
Works been crazy and I swear people are fuckin stupid!!!! The shit that they complain about is amazing.
I am always happy to come home and be able to see all the lovley ladies of SG. Its great.

I am so happy to be getting tattooed on...
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you are so beautiful!!!!! Post pictures of that new tattoo after you get it, I'd love to see! smile
I can't wait until your set goes up! You're so gorgeous, and your tattoo's are so fucking colorful. I wanna see the rest of 'em! <3
Well its Friday!!!!!! Lucky 13 baby!!!!! I get to go back to work, havnt been since last friday. I have been sick with a lung infection.
All is well here on the home front.
Baby Alex went back to the hospital on wensday, his blood pressure was all outta wack. They are saying that he should come home this afternoon. I really hope so,
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hi baby!
hi sweety!

thanks for the request
i hopeto see your first set soon wink

So I have been in totally works in a fundraising charity for a little boy named Alex Batista.
Let me tell you, this little boy done nothing by touch my heart in every single way. I want to raise money for his future and his family. Not that they asked I just wanna do it.
On 9/26/2006 Alex was shaken by his mothers boyfriend. When...
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That is shocking. I hope little Alex can recover, at least somewhat. frown
Those people, shaking and beating babies and children are pretty lame. I'm not a violent person, but if I could, I'd kill them all. There's nothing more lame than beating such vulnerable and peaceful creatures. that pisses me off. You should maybe make an announcement in the SG Lounge about that smile