I am getting some ink work done tomorrow for finishing up my sleeve..stoked! Ah, I have been waiting for a really long time and it's finally here! It's getting closer and closer to working with Alissa Brunelli and I am excited for meeting Radeo and Lainey as well. Two Lainey's uh oh! double trouble haha.
Today was a shitty day outside. Where the fuck did...
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Today was a shitty day outside. Where the fuck did...
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I had the pleasure of meeting Radeo last year and she was AWESOME! Can't wait to see what Alissa comes up with for you!
cant wait to see the sleeve when its done
im doing more on my star wars sleeve next month.. Im pretty stoked about that..

I should have pictures up this weekend of my new hair. It is blonde but it's still getting some touch ups to it and getting the hair extensions this weekend! I have a photoshoot on Monday
Another set coming up for you guys!! Finally, the canon camera comes in tomorrow! So excited to shoot. Trying to think of some creative tasteful ideas.
First day back...
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First day back...
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i am sure you will be a total bombshell and stoked to see your new set.....yay!!! 

Personally, I think you could be bald, and still have fun / look great.
Yay I got my computer back..finally! Hopefully I can update a lot more now. Sorry I am a slacker ha. I have been super busy with school lately. It's been kicking me in the ass. I hate how i actually have been studying but my grades are still low. I think I am not meant to be a test taker at all. I did switch...
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Yah im on a few things myself
Ohhhh gees... haha.

Ohhhh gees... haha.
This was uplifting to read, congratulations on workin through depression, I have my moments with it as well, but like you I feel like Im actually moving forward in life for the first time in awhile(last few months).
Cant wait for any new sets you bring, cheers
Cant wait for any new sets you bring, cheers

So its been awhile since i have updated. It's hard for me to update these days. I am extremely busy doing all kinds of fun stuff lately. I hope everyone has been doing well. I am trying to plan out another shoot sometime soon to submit into member review! I need to get a move on that.
I have been getting better with my anxiety...
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Hey cutie :]
I need MORE fall clothes. It's my favorite season but I always feel like I don't have enough layers/outfits.
I hope you had fun at that party..Did anyone find the 6th keg?!
I need MORE fall clothes. It's my favorite season but I always feel like I don't have enough layers/outfits.
I hope you had fun at that party..Did anyone find the 6th keg?!
your hair is so pretty!
No problem. I had a decent weekend as weekends go.
goddamn your beauty is breathtaking.
True Story
Sorry to hear about your kindness being taken advantage of.
I tend to be to nice to friends and over extend myself when trying to help out a "friend" which now has gotten me finding a new place to live....
remember though that people do not change. We are well aware of how people are its just a matter of if we chose to admit we saw it coming.
True Story
Sorry to hear about your kindness being taken advantage of.
I tend to be to nice to friends and over extend myself when trying to help out a "friend" which now has gotten me finding a new place to live....

remember though that people do not change. We are well aware of how people are its just a matter of if we chose to admit we saw it coming.
The date went not so well. I ended up not going on the day as originally planned. Something told me to just not go and one of my friends that knew him, he as well said if i were you i wouldn't. Then the other day I gave in and just went to a movie with him. He's cute and everything but I just wasn't...
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Ms Fox is cute, but I think I prefer Lainee. For sure.
I know what you mean about relationships, although I do wish I was in one now... I think it's a common situation.
Roll with your head... if you want to do something or don't want to... well, listen to your head. Relationships shouldn't work out because you force them to, they're supposed to be something that clicks. So if you just go with the flow and it works... awesome. If it doesn't, maybe it's not really meant to be, eh? Not saying that relationships don't take effort, but when hearts and personalities just click while on the fly... it's an amazing thing! It means you get to be chill and be yourself all the while having a great significant other to be with!
Now... to find me that lucky lady.
I know what you mean about relationships, although I do wish I was in one now... I think it's a common situation.
Roll with your head... if you want to do something or don't want to... well, listen to your head. Relationships shouldn't work out because you force them to, they're supposed to be something that clicks. So if you just go with the flow and it works... awesome. If it doesn't, maybe it's not really meant to be, eh? Not saying that relationships don't take effort, but when hearts and personalities just click while on the fly... it's an amazing thing! It means you get to be chill and be yourself all the while having a great significant other to be with!

Now... to find me that lucky lady.
You're waaaay hotter than Megan Fox.


Lately I have not been able to get enough of the new He is Legend and Architects CD's. I spend my day listening to it when I can haha. looove it!
going swimming and biking. I have been hanging outdoors quite a bit enjoying the sunny weather. I have a hot date not this saturday but next, so I am kinda looking forward to that....
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Fine. Get all the free food and movies you can! The dudes only want one thing! LOL
I do not think you could get any tanner.

I wish i could not care about a lot of things. Especially my ex boyfriend. It's been two years and I feel like we are still a big part of each others lives. I try to move on but things just keep holding me back. Me and him have been through a lot and I wish I didn't screw him over. He still comes around...
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you must start a new life
you must feel confrotable all the time
said goodbye to a old love is the better thing that you can do
youre young , pretty sexy and hot so......you ever win baby just choose want do you want to do
you must feel confrotable all the time
said goodbye to a old love is the better thing that you can do

youre young , pretty sexy and hot so......you ever win baby just choose want do you want to do

We need to find you a good man hon! Unfortunately I know hundreds of them but I dont know if any are your type

I know I am probably going to sound really dumb, but i really thought buffalo wings were from literally a buffalo. I never would eat them, but i found out its just chicken. I probably shouldn't have even shared that but i literally laughed at myself. And the same thing goes with Tuna, ( i know jessica simpsonish) but i really only ate it because...
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hey miss, thanks for the comment on my set. got more ink done today, ouchy!! x
YES!! and you are my favorite suicide girl!
RIP farrah and michael
i couldn't believe it when i heard it.
i couldn't believe it when i heard it.