From sethier


You’re work is so amazing! You’re super talented! I don’t know how you don’t fall in love with all these beautiful girls! 😍😍😍

From sethier


Would love to see you in front of the camera again! You’re a gorgeous model! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

$20.00 Tip From mirages6899


Best set ever. This is for the bothΒ  of you.

$3.00 Tip From Anonymous


$50.00 Tip From deathjester


Every set you capture on film... Every set that has you center stage...  Result? Brilliance. You are absolutely perfect. "I may have a crush..." ❀

$2.00 Tip From angiewa




$2.00 Tip From dhyani


The last $2 in my SG wallet β€˜til next payday goes to you for your work on β€œThe Possession.” I will Be buying prints from this one! πŸ’—πŸ–€πŸ’—πŸ–€πŸ’—

<3 <3 <3

$5.00 Tip From weedfarmer


Hope these helps with your camera lens.

ty so much!!!

$50.00 Tip From deathjester


πŸ–€ 😎

Ty!!!!! Ty sooooo much! πŸ–€πŸ–€

$20.00 Tip From avecalluna


For the lens! For the beauty! For the North! 😘

πŸ˜ŠπŸ–€πŸ–€β€οΈ Thank youuu!

@Lady will you take a look at a project Iam working on for the L.A. Office California. Mailing to California when finished. Suicide Girl Brand made from horseshoes. I love doing Horseshoes Art and thought they might like this, free gift. Your opinion on the design, and your opinion on, is this something they might like. Thanks