Backstage. World pole sports championships. Stressed! Jul 19, 2014 20 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS kyoko: Thanks! Did not do too good. Messed up two combos and stuff.. Meeehhh. @writeboy Aug 26, 2014 writeboy: If 80 percent of success is showing up then well you did that :) Aug 26, 2014
Gengur bara vel að æfa rútínuna fyrir heimsmeistaramótið :) #erialpole Jul 11, 2014 22 Facebook Tweet Email maniasuccubus: Amazing Jul 11, 2014 katharsis: nice" Jul 30, 2014
Bee in my bedroom window fell down onto my cat Kjartan, got stuck on his coat and he jumped right i Jul 1, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email
And one more with a pole buddy and iron x in the end. #polefit #polelife #hellyeah #strong #awesome Jun 23, 2014 21 Facebook Tweet Email
My second time ever doing the twisted grip deadlift. Then I did it a few more times and even added Jun 23, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email vaporeon: wow! Jun 23, 2014 mephist0: Awesome! Jun 23, 2014
Taking pictures outside the window of my car while driving is the shit. #reykjavik #rvk Jun 21, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email anjave: Beautiful view! Jun 22, 2014 simplyme1111: Good shot. Oct 2, 2015
Fun #combo I learned in class. #erialpole #devilsshuffle Jun 19, 2014 18 Facebook Tweet Email jpage: How in the world do you do this stuff. You are so talented. Aug 7, 2014
Armpit hold split from my routine for #ngpp that I never got to perform. #pole #armpitholdsplit #sp Jun 9, 2014 34 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS mrwaverly: Great work! Many thanks to the high friction coefficent of slightly damp skin.😘😘😘 Jun 14, 2014 jpage: Dang your good Aug 7, 2014
Mmmmm...... I 💚popcorn May 21, 2014 6 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS kittywu: Nom,nom,nom,nom. May 21, 2014 1justincredible: Kettle corns better May 25, 2014
Hiked all the way to the top of Esja yesterday! May 21, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email anjave: Great view! May 21, 2014 lesabre: what is the altitude? May 21, 2014