.....Because this blog is full of nothing but babies, kitties, and cute. I can't believe tomorrow will be exactly one week since I became a foster mum, and began taking care of two little girls. Everyone who has congratulated me, and thanked me, and... Read More
WHEW. Okay, literally, I've been trying to sit down and write this blog for the past twenty minutes! But it's a wee bit hard to do when you have a rambuncous kitten clawing at your right arm for attention, while keeping the left draped over a crib to settle a two-month old!
And now, ladies and gentlemen, my two new foster daughters:
No joke. Unintentionally. To a pair of sisters: A two month old, and a one year old. Both girls were homeless, and I just cannot say no. I went out to the human aid office to get some affairs sorted out, AND...yeah. One thing led to another. And now, I'm... Read More
I've missed you guys like crazy! I ALSO know I'm crazy behind on updates too, sorry. Which is ironic, because I haven't really been doing much these days, so you'd think I'd have more time haha.
Really, thanks to EVERYONE and their congrats about my State Board Exam. I am SO happy I passed it!!!
Meanwhile, here's a long photodump from... Read More
Shootfest was great! Vegas was great! Birthday was EPIC! Thanks for all of the love! I'm 24 now!
I just recieved my Little Blue Card in the mail that tells me when I take my State Board Exam this Saturday on the 9th. I'm scheduled to take my test at 7am.
I'll post a real blog later on the 9th so you guys can know... Read More
Aaaaand that's it. I'm an official graduate of St. Jude Nursing School. Made up my two tests: 92% and 93%. I'm done with school, I've accomplished something, and it feels great.
All's left to do is wait for February 9th, when I take my State Board exam and become officially certified!
It feels weird, honestly. Just...what...back in September or so, I was just telling a... Read More
Tomorrow begins my final week of nursing school, and then in two weeks (Feb 1st through the 3rd, I'm in Vegas living it up with so many lovely SG's), and then I take my State Board on the 9th of February. Wish me luck.
Herrow, everyone! Hope 2013's been treating you all well!
I finally started my sleeve, as a dedication to my mum, from the hairstyle she used to sport (it always reminded me of Cleopatra growing up), her love of nature, being a sassy, classy dame (hence the pin-up look) with the power to knock men off their feet with a single glance, and of course, to... Read More