2) Once said cosplay gets here, I'll be modeling for Cosplay Deviants and will be joining my gal Vivid as one of the Cosplay Deviants! I'm really excited!
3) Not gonna ruin the surprise for you guys, but I'll give you... Read More
OY VEY! What a crazy couple of weeks. I guess I'll start off with the most recent happening:
1) I quit my job. Why? Because my employer called me an "ignorant, thieving negress".
Nope. Not a joke. She had the audacity to call me that. To my face. Now, when she called me this, I was so stunned, I wasn't sure what to do. Sure,... Read More
GREAT FREAKING NEWS (and a smidgen of bad news that fails in comparison to the great news)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, bad news first: I've been diagnosed with arthritis in my left knee, and it's been flaring up so badly lately, that I have had a LOT of trouble walking. I had to miss the first day of Wondercon, but I will DEFINITELY be there tomorrow!
I've heard yoga works well in dealing with the pains of arthritis. Congratulations on the movie! I saw your last blog about meeting Danny. That's awesome!!
Allo! It's been a little over a week since I moved back in with Milloux and things are great. I actually got a job! AND it's in nursing! YAY! I'd been busting my ass, and putting ads up on craigslist, monster, calling different places, etc.
It's a home health aide job, so I'm pretty happy about that. My client is very nice, and quite sassy,... Read More
I was meaning to leave a comment on this when you wrote it but I got side tracked and then didn't log in for a while. When I did it was only for a few moments so hopefully you don't mind the late comment. I know you've written a few blogs since. That's awesome that your living with Milloux and I'm sorry that you were on an emotional roller-coaster. I hope everything has gotten tons better since you wrote this blog. I love men who are aggressive in bed too. I enjoy being tossed around. When I read that you enjoy giving head I thought "omg me too!" and wanted to give you a high five haha dorky I know Like Walace stated, good for you! I'm glad you told your boyfriend what you did and that you are keeping positive. Looking forward to seeing your new sets, the previews look amazing!
Change of plans. I found my little black dress, bust out my stash of liquor, and am going to wear heels and get positively trashed and hit up the club tonight.
I hope you do still love ya self this moring.And that you had fun.
There are a lot of ladies that start Derby that are the same as you,but in two months you could never tell that they never skated.
I'm rewatching ANTM season 18 and every time I see HER, I have to think of you. Don't know if you have seen it but everything about her is much like you, down to the look and the hair. But especially the personality.
It's Saturday, and despite all of the chaos from this week, I am feeling very contented right now. As far as I'm concerned, I've come to terms with the fact that I did what I could for the girls, and I've cried, and I've moped, and I'm moving on. Having those little girls in my life, for even that short amount of time, was an... Read More
The girls are gone and I'm so hurt. I'm in so much pain at losing them. Their stupid dad fucked up everything. What should have been a simple, routine check-up from the social worker with the dad coming along, just erupted into something SO bad...The dad started yelling at the social worker, just GOING THE FUCK OFF when all the social worker did was ask... Read More
Hang in there lady-- you've done so much already-- you can't beat yourself up for what their idiot father has done. I totally get why you're feeling like this, though. It definitely SUCKS. I hope somehow everything magically works out and the girls get an amazing foster family. Is their any way you can keep updated on their progress?