going to have a late lunch with my girl b4 she leaves to go back to chicago were she recently moved. But I cant wait til I get a chance too take a wkend to go see her there. We will have so much fun!!!
I had a root canal done the other day now Im trying to fight off the imflammation it had caused. Im in pain and its torture! I went to the dentist today so they could look at it and said it was so sore because theres basically a bruise on my tooth... weird. Did I mention Im in pain and I have to go to... Read More
And not to go off subject (but I'm gonna, and yea, I meant to) you need to update your pictures a bit! Been almost a year! How the heck have the dogs been???? Or is it just a dog and a cat?
my teachers this semester suck! But its not to bad I guess, just not that fond of them or their teaching methods and I dont feel like changing now... other than that all is well, busy weekend ahead! Suppose to see my friend Leah Friday, go riding saturday and my dads visiting on sunday... and some how I need to fit in homework lol I... Read More
had my blood taken again.so far they found out my Triglyceride level is about 3 times higher than it should be but my cholesterol is fine.now I just gotta figure out why.and figure out if that would have anything to do with the other weird symptoms Im having or maybe there could be something else going on.I wish it was all resolved already!wtf!
I hope you mean your doctor now has to figure out why your level is so high...Keep on them if you don't hear something in a few days...I'm sure I'm telling you something you already know, but sometimes healthcare needs a kickstart....