From blkphantom
Hey Kentessa, as a biochemist, I have to say that your tattoo of serotonin is pretty awesome! A beautiful girl with nerdy (no insult meant here) tattoos that are unique is very refreshing. What made you decide to get the tattoo? It is one of the coolest I have seen so far :)
Well thank you! That's a pretty cool occupation. Anyways, I got the tattoo with my best friend (at the time ha, how time changes us), as a symbol of our friendship. She got the chemical breakdown of thc, I was the happy in the high, get it? I guess it was kinda retarded. But in a way, I have always been kinda prone to being down and sad, and I really wanted that there to remind me that happiness is more simple than believed.
I have the degree but can't find the job where I live unfortunately, haha. Very interesting story, thanks for sharing. And for the record, I don't think it's stupid. Keep your chin up :).