Does anybody in SoCal or Baja California feel like picking me up and driving me back to The States? I've been stuck in Mexico for far too long now, and just my luck and timing, trying to get back into San Diego through the normal crossing I usually take at San Ysidro is next to fucking impossible now that the migrant caravan fucking arrived and...
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Serious question, not being a jerk!  How would someone picking you up be easier, wouldn’t you both be stuck waiting then?
Naw, it seems to be just the local pedestrian border crossing they keep systematically shutting down..

Embezzlement etiquette, private settlement, I'm better at confederate rhetoric from my mansion in Connecticut. Foreclose and evict homes at the tenement. I twist words like a speech impediment.

I hope you got good credit, bitch. If not, better get a new job with benefits, while I play golf with assholes I make Chedda with. #Trump2020


Yeah, so, finally giving actual thought to the idea of wanting to do a double set with another girl, after somehow being conned by enough people into believing it might actually work out to do another set after over a decade, and finally putting to rest the ill-fated but pretty rad 2nd set I did in New Orleans in 2015 before that hurricane Katrina cunt's...
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Well, I emailed her, but remember that México is a pretty big place. Not sure where she is, but I wouldn't email like @Porphyria in NYC from Montana expecting her to want to do a shoot with me :-) 
Why not both?

2017 now... I wonder if I've been a SG so long by this point as to have become totally irrelevant by now, or if anyone might actually read any new blogs I post! Not like I've been anything close to active on the site over the last few years, my bad. I was actually pretty disheartened a few years ago when the new set I...
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Fantastic news!! The photo you posted is incredibly hot !🔥🔥🔥🔥you're such a gorgeous babe!!😘😘😘😘
Well, spread the news my friend.. I think I've been mostly gone for so many years that the vast majority of my fan base has either left the site or just plain forgotten about me :-P
Well, whatever it was, it sure served its purpose of finally solidifying America as a permanent War State, with an economy that now completely depends on making, using, and selling the most lethal weapons in the world and making sure enough of the world is politically destabilized for us to just roll in and pretty much take / do / and control whatever benefits us. 
In 1927 America was sold to The Rothschild's, Rockerfellers, DuPont's, Harriman's and Warburg's families (I've got the newspaper print on my computer), almost nobody knows about this fact. For so far the end of the dream of democracy... Everything America does is by order of this families. All countries America 'liberated' in WO2 and the Middle East are now under control of The Rothschild's and having their banking system as well. The whole world is pointing at America as the big evil, but it is just a puppet on strings commanded by it's masters who stay out of the scene by controlling the politics, economy and the media. This elite setup wars, creates terrorism, creates economic crisis and tries to enslave the people by silently changing laws chosen democraticly by playing the media. They play 'Divide and Conquer' all over the world by supporting both sides of the war.
i can't wait to go travelling again. All I fucking think about is getting the fuck out of here. i've got to save up some money this time, though. i can't travel around homeless & broke anymore.. that shit just about killed me. somehow its the best thing in the world when you're 18, but after a few years it occurs to you that you're...
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Sure thing, about to go to Thailand... And yourself?
Actually, so far I've only made it as far as Mexico. :P
welcome to new york.

i've spent so much of my life talking smack about how bad jail is in new orleans, and preaching the gospel of "its impossible to get arrested in new york!", that of course, i end up in jail here within my first couple days back.

i was actually trying to catch a ride to baltimore. but the idiots i was riding...
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So Kayna, how are you? Last I read here was that you got nabbed by the cops in NY.
You've been really scarce since then. Hope all's well. Take care where ever you may be.
See you around SG when ever you can be here. kiss kiss
Sorry, shit, I know this is all from years ago, but yeah this one incident transformed my life and got me stuck living in NY for like 8 years. Luckily I finally escaped and am traveling again! I don't even know if any of you are even still members of SG! :-(
You are a sociopathic fraud who, while people DO gaze at the real you, does not write one word on this site, answer any questions, or actually have interest one in any of this. Your husband, being far more articulate and interesting, writes all of that shit for you. ALL of it. So there you go. Truth be told, you are a heartless, thoughtless liar...
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I love this interesting letter to me from years ago, and am still fascinated by who in the world wrote it or where absolutely any of those theories or sentiments came from.. though it's probably been too many years to find out by now, if whoever wrote this would care to ball up and explain to me exactly what this is about, I'd be more than excited to address any of these bizarre accusations/psychotic hallucinations :P
Wow, just reread this psychotic rant against me again, and even 10 years later I don't have a clue as to who the fuck wrote it or what the fuck they're even going on about! Oh well, things like this keep life interesting I guess :P
STOP REQUESTING MY FRIENDSHIP if you've never once even attempted to talk to me!! For the love of god, what the hell is wrong with you people???

And while I'm at it, get off this fucking "Too Cool For TV" bandwagon! I know its all-so-trendy to hate your television nowadays, but everyone's got some fucking TV shows they like; I've never heard of a show...
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it's illegal to hold someone for over 24 hours without charging them...

um, I posted this elsewhere so if you got it already I apologize...

and I just read this post... but in all honesty... I don't watch TV...
I haven't had a TV for like three years. Well, I had a TV, just not cable. I did play some video games. I got my news from the radio. That was good enough for me. I just prefer my books. And it has nothing to do with trendy, because I'm the least trendy person in existence. In fact, i'm probably so not trendy that I'm trendy without knowing it, with the exception of the TV thing, cause I really don't watch it. Shit, I don't have it. But yeah, like you care.... peace!

I totally agree, I was raised be the tv and I turned out just fine I think... I'm pretty sure I still have a soul I mean if i had one to begin with.