TO MY FRIEND ABOUT QUEEN ELIZABETH I and the movie Elizabeth (1999)
I forgot to tell you why this movie means so much to me........
Although it's historically poppycock for the most part, the thing that this movie focuses on that other Elizabeth films don't, is her transformation from a young happy and even winsome woman to the Virgin Mary.
The Holy Mother of the...
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I forgot to tell you why this movie means so much to me........
Although it's historically poppycock for the most part, the thing that this movie focuses on that other Elizabeth films don't, is her transformation from a young happy and even winsome woman to the Virgin Mary.
The Holy Mother of the...
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Okay, so I'm still trying to get a new set up, but apparently SG's all into "quality" and "thinking about the set" which means I can't prance in front of a camera like a naked dervish and expect good feedback. What is the world coming to? The sets have been looking pretty good lately, but back to the drawing board...
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Okay, so I'm still trying to get a new set up, but apparently SG's all into "quality" and "thinking about the set" which means I can't prance in front of a camera like a naked dervish and expect good feedback. What is the world coming to? The sets have been looking pretty good lately, but back to the drawing board...
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that kittie would soo bite his head clean off
then toss his body about the place
then toss his body about the place

No matter what the theme/quality yadda yadda yadda is, any set by you is a fucking good set...
Hi Guys. Touring now. Everything is hot. Boys stink. Did I hear that some part of the US recently got to 125 degrees? WTF?!! Kingdom and Minders are doing some carnage on the road and one night on and one night off with the booze is such a very good idea. If you come to a show, please come and say hello. I'll be soldiering...
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your gonna be sweatin your ass of in all that southwest huidity......make sure you drink your weight in liquor everynight to keep em how much portland music kickass as if they didnt know have fun on tour load some pics of kingdoms on tour escapades. hey look Im a groupie
Hmmm, I need a sleeping bag. In the literal and housing sense. I don't know where my sleeping bag went and on top of that, Kingdom can always use places to stay (we're good guests, I promise). If you have friends in Denton, New Orleans, Chappel Hill, Phily, Montreal or Rochester....that'd be aweeesome.
Jul 22 2006 8:00P
the alibi arcata, CA
Jul 23 2006 8:00P...
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Jul 22 2006 8:00P
the alibi arcata, CA
Jul 23 2006 8:00P...
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july 25-- congress is just down the street from me. we have a tiny house but it looks like you're covered that day anyway. however i'd love to pop by and meet you, if you have any room on the list?
I got like 4 for some reason I dont know why .....I know cause I went camping last weekend .... Your gonna bag it for a three week tour? your gonna have to get spine fused when you get home.....get a blow up mattress so you can rock
Did you guys read reports on the study that Americans have one less close friend than they used to? They now have two as opposed to three. Something like 16% said they had no close friends. I think the explanation that modern technology is to blame for this is not as accurate as most would think, considering that I can maintain even my close friends...
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Lack of time also contributes to america's one less friendship everyones schedules too busy to manage another friendship...whats the universal response to " why haven't you called me" "O uh mmmm I've been busy" when the real answer is I havn't thought 2 shits about you since I last saw you.... I gotta couple of real closeconfidants but there's time we dont talk for a week or 2, but were still real tight when we finally do
All my close friends are thousands of miles away. The internet is a great tool for cross cultural and geographical communication, simultaneously bringing people from all walks of life together while harming our ability to cope one on one with each other in real life. Plus the internet makes people meanie mcnasties on message boards.
I just listened to your song on MySpace. Nice work, very beautiful voice.
Don't make fun of Tamblyn.
Well, you all have very adamant opinions about crotches being posted on here. I was really interested to see what you had to say. It's funny, cause my second set, I accidentally sent a picture with crotch showing after I instructed the photographer to keep my second pair of lips out of the lens at all costs. To me, those shots are as arousing as...
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crotch shots are adorable..just as adorable as that song.
loved it.

loved it.
THanks. My song is like a crotch shot... yesssssssssssssss.
I just posted a shit ton of personal photos. Enjoy.
I also just sent in a new set.... having no idea what the rules are these days...
I also just sent in a new set.... having no idea what the rules are these days...
hey, good luck with the new one!!
I've really enjoyed the last one
I've really enjoyed the last one

I love shit tons!
I must indulge myself in this rare opportunity that my boobies have given me.... a crap ton of people to read my words without the requirement of me to be coherent, witty or anything of that nature. I can self-promote, because here I am NOT a freelance writer, I am boobies.
The Kingdom just got the prints today of our upcoming album, K-1...
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The Kingdom just got the prints today of our upcoming album, K-1...
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i will be in chicago!
You're definitely the hottest member of your band. Congrats on things moving forward finally.
Did he say what the testosterone is supposed to do for his cords?
Did he say what the testosterone is supposed to do for his cords?
"Hindu bitch discredits family and gets fucked by white guy on horse."
Huh. I thought i had seen it all...on Limewire at least. But, my search for Family Guy episodes has shown me that porn video titles to lure initially innocent downloaders to view some crappy kitty porn site URL are getting creative. Good job guys.
Huh. I thought i had seen it all...on Limewire at least. But, my search for Family Guy episodes has shown me that porn video titles to lure initially innocent downloaders to view some crappy kitty porn site URL are getting creative. Good job guys.
If there only was some imagery to accompany the caption...
How do you guys feel about SG going full-on crotch shots?
I don't really feel either way, just think it's interesting how policies change. I remember back in the day when it was a big no no.
I don't really feel either way, just think it's interesting how policies change. I remember back in the day when it was a big no no.
Yeah, I sorta thought it was still a no-no until seeing so many as of late...I remember my friends sent in a set and they denied it, saying that there was too many crotch shots throughout....Interesting indeed...
i think the entirety of the human body is great, including the crotch. sometimes it can be beautiful and alluring, but i love suggestive work as well. i like an air of unpredictability - of how is this set going to end? If it all ends the same way, with full on crotch shots, then ugh. But, if there is a "you never know what's going to happen, maybe..." then this is Eros. but then again, that is just speaking from the perspective of the spectator. I think if the women who are modelling feel degradation as a result of it, then I am not for it. are the women on the site also being asked this question and their autonomy being respected? If not, then it sickens. If yes, it's a win-win from where I am uh...standing?
Today our mistakes are realitively benign, but in her days, one might be killed for making the wrong political decision. That's a lot of pressure to cope with and Elizabeth did so very well.
I am quite interested in psycology and some people, like Mary tend to base their decisions on the their feelings. Elizabeth seems more like a person who relied upon thinking rather than her emotions to make decisions. You can read more about this here.
If you have never taken a Myers Briggs personality test, its well worth doing so. If you compare how the different personality types think, feel and act, you can imagine how each type might have reacted if they were the Monach at the time of Elizabeth.