yeah my pictures finally got the go ahead.....well i changed them to members review so they should go up in the next 2 weeks.
I am sat in a hotel room in london doing not so interesting work for my company.
but its all good i get to play with sneakers for part of it x x x
there was a SGUK meet on in london at the weekend.
it was immense there was much drinking and rejoicing.
So cute!
hi y'all finally got a day off so spending some time with you lovely people. I have not been up to much apart from getting a bit too drunk at my area managers partie everyone loves a drunk suicide girl tee hee x x x
i hope you werent operating heavy machinery at the same time.
Wow. love
Fine chest you got there...
*bada-boom tish*
very pretty my dear!
is that some kind of victorian baths they were shot in?
looks very gothic what with the lighting and all.
ahh the giraffe, natures campest animal.
Hi! biggrin
my rabbit is sooooo cute, i have lent my camera to a friend but when i get it back i will spread the cutness with you all she be so pretty. you never know she may make an appearence in my next shoot! x x x
hope you are l enjoying the sun at he moment ,i most certainly am!
I have a new pet rabbit called Gertie she is so cute and cuddly, see who says you need a man when all a girl needs is were rabbit..........not the battery operated kind you dirty minded people tee hee. My job in the bar is going well although the dirty old...
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pet rabbits are the cutest! smile
thanx for the comment
hi y'all
well i am all setteled in my new little home. Things are still pretty shit but hay it can't rain all the time! Things will i am sure get better. Thank you for the nice coments they made me smile. Got my self a bar job to help boost my income! council tax is a bitch along with the gas company and television...
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sorry its been a i while guys, been having a pretty horrible personal life at the moment! i ended up leaving my husand due to the omission in the wedding vows about me not being ok with him sleeping with 19 year old bar maids! So its all sucked in a big way. But i managed to get me a new computer and the internet...
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I'm so sorry to hear your having a rough time, it must mean better ones are just round the corner! wink kiss
man that does indeed suck ass.
Well i am glad you decided to break free and not live with a jerk.
And also for the boobies.
Maybe the monopoly man will see your set and buy you a castle and a unicorn to ride around on.
Could happen.