sg hopefuls

This is an open group for hopefuls to connect with SGs, members, and other hopefuls! PLEASE read the "Welcome! Please Read Me!!" thread before posting!


This group is for people with tattoos , people who do tattoos , and people who might be thinking of getting a tattoo . You can talk about who your favorite artist is , or where the best shop in your town is located . Share a picture of your …

SuicideGirls Only

SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY. All posts in this group and information disclosed are private and confidential; not to be shared outside the group.

club eighties

A group dedicated to everything 80s from music to movies, toys, events and more! We are young, heartache to heartache we stand. Love is a battlefield but Club Eighties is a non-stop party.

makeup & beauty

Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.

old skool sg

A group where the longtime SG members can keep in touch with one another. For members who remain active in the community and whose member since field reads: Old Skool.

gothic culture

A place to explore the many wonderful aspects of the gothic culture. From art to literature, music to film, fashion to photography, this place will explore these subjects and the artists within them.

southwest suicidegirls

SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY. For SuicideGirls in the Southwestern United States to plan events, share stories, and generally just get to know each other. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU ARE ALREADY A SUICIDE GIRL!