Hola, des ides j"en ai pas mal (surtout en nature, des places abandonnes, des montagnes, garages,granges... aprs la mise en scne, pfiou il n'y a que l'embarras du choix!), j'aime beaucoup ton set et c'est clair qu'il en faudrait plus!
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update ! i dont have internet anymore ! but good news i think im gonna get it next week.
ummm what else... im moving june first downtown calgary im really exited...
umm... i got a job in a skateshop but im looking for a job in a bar ! i need more money whAAAAAA
Hey there, my name is Amanda and I'm one half of the SG Canada East Gala planning team. Your hosts this year will be myself (AandP), Speedphreak, Cereal_Killer and RadioFrank.
For those that don't know - Gala takes place each year in Toronto and is something put together by members for all members and SGs to meet and have fun. The event is a closed event to the public. You may only get into the event if you're on the guest list. Each year we have members and SGs from all over North America travel to Toronto and partake in all the Gala events.
This year, we've got an amazing venue lined up (Stone's Place - the world's largest Rolling Stones memorabilia bar) and we've also lined up some awesome entertainment and finally great rates at The Drake Hotel (a stones throw away from the venue) for people coming from out of town.
Right now, it's March and our guest list is nearly full. We only have 65 spots left and we're messaging all the girls in the SG Canada East area to remind them if they would like to come out - to sign up fast!!
When: Friday, June 15th, 2007 9:30 PM
Where: Stone's Place, 1255 Queen St. W (Queen & Dufferin)
If you want to get on the list you need to email oxcerealkillerxo@hotmail.com. in regards to the Toronto Gala (i.e.: the guest list and questions you may have.) .. and should you have any other questions ... just message myself or Cereal_Killer.
Love the photo set, kind of a cross between cute and funny. Some of the shots deffinatly made me laugh. Im not much of a cereal lover but i think i could learn.
Oui, il est quand meme cute.
Des fois je sors, oui. Euh la derniere fois que je suis sortie c'est un mercredii, le 13 dcembre, au Monkey, avec Tania. Tu la connais je crois. Mais la je suis chez mes parents, je reviens a qc seulement jeudi ou vendredi.
Moi, j'ai t chanceuse, ca m'a pris un mois pile. Des fois c'est vraiment plus long que ca, ya des filles que ca fait plus qu'un an qu'elles sont limbos! that sucks
J'ai hate de voir ton set, Fab m'avait montr ton profile ya quelques temps.
prends soin de toi
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