This set was shot while I was still a hopeful, by the amazingly wonderful Cherry!
We had a lot of fun, laughed alot, and got to play around with these beautiful contact juggling orbs which was a blast!
This set is all about being free spirited and enjoying life and all it's opportunities,it most accurately reflects the real me out of all my sets. I don't do sexy, I feel silly trying to be sexy, come hither is just out of my reach...instead I'd rather invite you in with laughter and smiles, and share art and photography and good conversation. While making this we got to be like little kids again, seeing which naughty parts we could get to reflect upside down through the magic bubbles! Look closely, you'll have some giggles!
This set reflects the active, hippy life of Commercial Drive in downtown Vancouver. Organic cotton capri's, Fair Trade leg warmers, an ethnically traded beanie hat, dorky rainbow glasses, and the magical orbs of one of Vancouver's finest performing arts circus acts. Thanks to this circus house for allowing me to use your little nook for this set!
P.S, thank you David Bowie! You helped inspire this of course.
P.P.S.... Go to youtube, and listen to some David Bowie while viewing this set. David Bowie rocks.