Is going great! I didn't have high or many expectations. Wouldn't you know, my supporters have exceeded that! Haha. I hope everyone is well. I see plenty of familiar faces on here -which is absolutely rad! I appreciate you saying hi, feels cozy. I have Suicide Girls to thank for giving me a start into the fulfilling journey I still walk starting in September of...
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Mowing the Lawn. More one OnlyFans yourgirlblue
It's 5:20am. Haven't posted in about 65 years. Why not?
From bgnckstyle
I can't help but to follow a Humboldt County girl. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!#
This is going to be short and sweet as I'm still trying to master the new blogging process. I love the "@" feature! I know there are lots of kinks and bugs with the new site roll out, but I'm always down for something new. I'm still finding my way around, but I like what I'm seeing. Change is inevitable, so why not embrace it!?...
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Awesome photos Inga!
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Keep well
Can you guys help me out???
What documentary am I thinking of? The title is one word. It films these amazing people, like the jumping tribe, the tribe that sits in rows on the earth covered in mud and...
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Richard Wilk
Bottled Water: The Pure Comodity in the Age of Branding
He's no Thom Hartmann, but...