I love your pup! So cute. Mine is munching on a squeeker right now...not so cute, but it keeps him happy. Congrats on your young one! He looks cute as well.
Also, I just pulled out my fimo from my old art box! Unfortunately I will not be constructing anything nearly as cool as your lil octopi. I hope you're having a great holiday season! and every other season for that matter.
was thinking of you...isnt your due date coming up?
hmm maybe i missed it...you probably had your baby and its all old news now haha.
If so, congrats!! if not, how are you hanging in there
Msg me anytime you're free xoxo
I don't have a pitt specific story but I do have one about my mother's old dog, Duke.
Duke was a purebred great dane, the sweetest animal you would ever meet. The neighbourhood kids used to come over and play with him in the yard, they would ride him around and climb all over him and he just loved it. Local authorities were always keeping an eye on her to make sure the dog was contained because apparently he was 'dangerous' although there had never ever been any kind of incident to suggest this.
She had a large backyard that was fenced all around and Duke was properly contained and could not escape. He was always leashed and muzzled when being walked or taken out anywhere. Across the street from her lived a couple with a small dog that was not sufficiently trained and never leashed. This dog used to come onto my mother's property and tease and bark at Duke while he was tied up or fenced in. Mom had spoken to this couple several times and asked them to please keep their dog in their own yard because he was tormenting Duke. She had also reported this to the humane society and the authorities and was told that it was a non-issue because he was a small dog and therefore not a danger to anyone. As time went by, the neighbour's dog became bolder and bolder because Duke had never retaliated against it, he couldn't, he was fenced in and leashed. One afternoon, the small dog had dug a hole and wriggled itself under my mom's fence and started nipping at Duke's feet. My mom heard the noise and went outside to see what the trouble was. Before she could get to him, the little dog had chomped Duke's leg and made him angry enough to strike back. Duke had apparently bit the little dog once but that was enough to almost completely sever both hind legs from his body. The vet was able to save the neighbour's dog, my mother had to pay for whole thing of course and was ordered to have Duke put down.
She was a responsible pet owner. She went to the trouble to have her pet trained and took every care to make sure that he was contained on her property, even though she knew he wasn't dangerous. I can't blame Duke for biting that little dog after months upon months of being tormented in his own yard by that yappy little creature. Apparently the pet ownership laws don't apply equally to all animals or pet owners. If the system was fair and the rules applied to everyone, the neighbours would have been ordered to keep their dog on their own property and none of this would ever have happened.
Duke was a part of the family and it infuriates me to no end that my mother had to go through the pain and suffering of having to put down her best friend like that. Especially since none of this was her or her dog's fault.
Sorry that was kind of long but I wanted to share the story with you because I knew you would understand.
I wish you and Kingston all the best and I hope you have a long and happy life together. I hope that people will be able to look past the stigma associated with the breed and see that's a total sweetheart.
I'm very disappointed with the way the Ontario is dealing with pit bulls right now. If they have a loving family they're such gentle creatures. Very infuriating!
I suck at drawing humans. okay the first few comments left me feeling like i was being a downer on myself...so in comparison to how i can draw a lot of different kinds of animals, i'm not that great at drawing people. they all turn out to be big sketchy messes, but i'm getting better.
I just didn't feel like markering a human, photoshop is... Read More
your pictures are amazinggggg, i love them.
thank you for the congratulations, it still freaks me out sometimes, especially when bump moves, so weird!!! x