I try tooeat before i get tattoed... But of some reasson there are butterflys in my stomach. Im notnervous about the pain, I think its more that I am worries that the aportmaint will be canceld in last secounds..but I tprobably not need to worry about thet either...
Im not sure why we didnt did all outlines first... Maybe it depend on that we not was sure what to do when we started this projekt.... Maby the reasson is that she likes to work with coulor and wanna see coulor fast...I dont know.
what's the point of the blue angels? we cant think of anything better to waste our money on then some loud ass jets flying around? really? they are freaking my cats out and i cant hear my TV.
how come the second season for 30 rock isnt even close to as funny as the first? i want to laugh...but... it's just not as good.
I'd rather hear a jet than these darn loud ass cars with their BOOM BOOM BOOM!
Sorry the cats are freaking out!
Fave website? Duh. I'm here already!
Have a nice, jetless, weekend.
So i am getting a bit frustrated. maybe it is just getting close to the end of the year and i am starting to look back and realize this year was kinda pathetic. i made some more amazing friendships...yep. helped my best friend survive cancer...yep. travelled to SE Asia....yep. got more kick ass tattoos that i totally love...yep. got an awesome promotion at my job...yep.... Read More
argh the boss thing is hard. i don't envy you. being a "cool boss" is awesome, but not getting stepped on because of it is difficult. must be weird cos i guess some of the staff you've known for ages which would be harder i guess, cos they are your friends. i'd say just be honest, and if theres problems, just deal with them immediately, 1:1. i know your awesome anyway, so its not like you'd be an ass with anyone.
my boss is a "cool boss" definately - but the reason he doesn't get walked on is cos i'm his only member of staff!
as for coming out...i'm definately SF bound at some point in the next 12 months - however, it'll either be Xmas and New Year this year (will you be around? if you are you wanna come see X with me at Slims?) or Sept 09.
I am leaving for southeast asia in a month. i am getting really excited and need to get on it. i have been doing a bunch of reading and outside of watching apocalypse now last night, that's about it. i am going to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for 3 weeks. i'll be there with 3 friends. about to go do some internet research but i... Read More