Far too excited to sleep right now God knows what I'll be like tomorrow if I can't sleep now! June 2nd my next tattoo it's only been like over 2 years since my last tattoo.
Can't wait to show you guys ... 😜 xxx
Hey my lovelys I hope you all have a wonderful evening and I wish you all the best for 2016!
I for sure need to kick ass next year and I'll stop at nothing to get what I want 2015 hasn't been the best daddy been poorly but thankfully my dad is very well now! failed relationships (picking usual douche bags) I'm good at that....
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Too excited, finally finished packing for my shoot in Wigan tomorrow so not looking forward to the drive though.
I'm over the moon everyone's loving my hopeful set in MR at the moment please keep sending me love and share 'love me like you do' everywhere I really appreciate it.
Anyways I suppose I best get some sleep up in 5 hours
Good night my...
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Hey sweets love me like you do has been in member review just over 12 hours now and I'm glad you all love it! I had such an awesome time creating this set with @gemmaedwardsuk and can't wait to create more in the future if you'll have me for more :)