Amore, ho appena risposto sul group ma te lo scrivo anche qui, se cerchi lavoro i saloni Jean Louis David cercano apprendisti in saloni sparsi, tu con i capelli ci sai fare, prova a lasciare un curriculum nel primo che trovi! Anch'io da martedi inizier un part time da una parrucchiera, prova anche tu, secondo me alla fine figo.
carina! grazie per i complimenti alle foto, io sto abbastanza bene, sto vivendo una storia un p allucinante ma mi sa che tutte le mie storie alla fine lo sono... te come va? hai trovato un centro di gravit permanente??
Hows my GoGo
havnt chatted in awhile .... been busy with little Zo ... I got a new place so now I have room to actually bring her over, she even has her own room. I have recently taught her to yell "What are you looking at PUNK!" at anyone who looks at her funny... its quite entertaining.
I hope my GoGo is doing well. I enjoyed your latest set , although it makes it hard for me to look at the set objectively when your kissing other girls if you'll excuse the pun
Hey, are you going to be looking into this when it comes out? And this? I don't know, just thought they might help give you some new strategies on hunting your prey
How is everything going for you? Really good I hope!