I have to take up a fund ... the "Send Vivid to LA so as to get her brains sucked by ze GoGo" fund.
Ill see what I can do kitten. Your worth a trip, to say the least!
uhuhuh non parliamo di lost. gia' visto l'anno scorso... quando ero in svezia e mi guardavo gli episodi di nascosto per non aspettare gli altri [avevamo la serata lost!] shsaushuah
oh yes, laziness does kill. interpretation to me varies from day to day...tonight it means, to hit the off switch and go to bed...although i want to stay up and watch your channel. by the way , i saw your podcast and saw you talking..one thing is to see your pictures , then actually seeing your moving video image. yes, you guys have the pope, we have goerge w bush...who lives literally a few miles from me.
Ill see what I can do kitten. Your worth a trip, to say the least!