Hello beautiful humans! I’ve been on hiatus for some time now, focusing my energy on other various aspects of life. I’ve spent a lot of time on art and learning to live close to the land and healing myself. Now that I’m more centered and supported I’m back taking sexy photos and creating online content! If you missed me please consider subscribing to my OF,...
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Shipwrecked debuted yesterday evening and I want you guys to hit it up and give it some love! It's already been received well by those that noticed, so for you that haven't, be sure to take a gander.
Shot in the beautiful wild Canadian territory of the Yukon, in the decaying remains of a giant paddle wheeler (they still have a touristy one running), I
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Hello Vancouver friends! I'll be in the city from the 18th - 24th of Oct and I'm currently booking shoots for that time! Message me if you're interested.
Hello felines! I'm very excited to announce that I've recently come to a very large and important realisation that my life simply isn't what I want it to be right now. At first I was so happy that I seemed to be getting my shit together in the traditional sense, getting steady work and paying rent and bills and drinking three times a week. But...
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Hey guys! I'd like to thank everyone for helping my set become set of the day as of a few days ago. It means a lot to me t have one finally go up after so long since my debut. I can't wait to shoot more and am currently doing a lot to get my body all super healthy and toned up so I can...
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My new set went live recently! Thanks everyone for the love you've shown it, already almost 1400 likes! Let's show SG our love and support of boobs and tea. If you haven't seen it yet check it out here: https://suicidegirls.com/girls/felynx/album/1846543/tea-for-two/
Fun fact! The type of tea I was drinking was genmaicha, which is green tea with roasted rice which gives it a nutty flavour. Its
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A recent photo shoot! Taken by Greg Cleaver.
Homework: What's your biggest pet peeve?
People who put up walls and fake personalities are as easy for me to see through as an eye through glass. It puts me on edge that I can tell who they are even when no one else can.
I'm a real person whether I like it or not. Often in social situations this fake person far outshines me...
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