As one or more of you may have gathered from my general standard of (il)literacy, Ive been (drivelling) writing online for a while now. Long enough, anyway, that my typing speed is near twice that which I can produce with a pen.
Note: I never said I was any good, only that I did it.
Most people who dont write or blog or otherwise obsess...
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Note: I never said I was any good, only that I did it.
Most people who dont write or blog or otherwise obsess...
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Oh dear god.
I REALLY wanted to begin this entry (sporadic as they are) with a good solid drivel about how my previous weekend went. It encompassed meeting Roopie, October, Tsui, Nadine, Sky, various others, and a whole assload of Hells Angels. However Im forced to put that on hold since I just found out someone Ive known online for a very long time is...
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I REALLY wanted to begin this entry (sporadic as they are) with a good solid drivel about how my previous weekend went. It encompassed meeting Roopie, October, Tsui, Nadine, Sky, various others, and a whole assload of Hells Angels. However Im forced to put that on hold since I just found out someone Ive known online for a very long time is...
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Hope you're doing well.
you still up for the met in manc on sun 21st?
would be great to see you there
would be great to see you there

Okay, so I didnt get onto the Official UK SuicideGirl Troupe. Bah. Still, Roopie (who then handed the job to October) organised a couple of nights down in Bristol which a bunch of us are dancing at, and which I am now free to perform in, and you are free to come watch. It isnt an official SuicideGirls night and wont be publicised as such,...
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did you see NIN at the Apollo? twas sooooo god damn hot in there. I came out totally soaked thru... and the boys mowhawk had gone all floppy, tee hee
I know what you mean about the horny thing too... Trent.. enough said. (weird that he doesnt talk between tracks.. dont you think?

helllo pretty lady, was lovely to see you the other week
i'll send some of the photos my boy took soon.

Things I Post On Boards
Last night was the UK SuicideGirls Burlesque Troupe auditions. Never before has a sentence been constructed that rocketh so much as the last.
I took the train (drive? PFFT!) down to Cheltenham with my friend Taz who was also going to try out. My brother turned up too, mostly because nipple tassels are his idea of a perfect evening. On arrival we checked into a...
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I took the train (drive? PFFT!) down to Cheltenham with my friend Taz who was also going to try out. My brother turned up too, mostly because nipple tassels are his idea of a perfect evening. On arrival we checked into a...
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sweetheart, thanks a million for the scrumptious comment on trash'n'go. Let's get pissed sometime. Love, Mxxx
Well.. since you put it that way...
Shop said:
This email confirms that you have paid
Item Name: Black Pu Leather Effect Full Skirt
Quantity: 1
...oh no.. what have I done
I woke about an hour ago still on the nearest side of drunk to fail a hangover. I looked about me and scowled. My room was a swamp of clothes and empty bottles (or happily enough, semi-empty as I have now discovered) and my mouth felt like a drip tray. My stereo was still on, as was my TV, light and outfit. I hadnt even...
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I'd give advice, but this kind of thing blots out advice like a huge amorphous alien blob feeding on wholesome smalltown Americans.
But I wouldn't. A learning curve doesn't work if it's a circle.
But I wouldn't. A learning curve doesn't work if it's a circle.
Well I have been in your shoes......there are some people you cant get out of your heart.....and sometimes that just sucks
Theres something deeply wrong about going into a stadium with your Father, realising he has your ticket with your name printed on and you have his, then watching him go waltzing straight through security while youre left attempting to pass yourself off as a short, balding, middle-aged man by dragging your knuckles, lowering your voice and barking, Yes boys, Im Mr Felidae. Thats MR, yessiree!...
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I don't know why cigarette manufacturers put those big warning stickers on the side of their packets. If anything, it is likely to put people off buying the product.
Spanks beautiful
makes me hold happy grimace that you love my words

There is no way to describe just how jaw-droppingly fantastic last Saturday was. I think a rough approximation would be a fantasy involving myself running through the planet on Pitch Black with Vin Deisel, only instead of aliens thered just be an enormous Angelina Jolie stomping after us through the rain bellowing, SNOO SNOO! Soyeah, it was good.
The Saturday in question involved myself, Nic,...
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The Saturday in question involved myself, Nic,...
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wel thank you love

Wolf definately has a loincloth thing going. The picture does unusual things to my spine.
Snoo snoo!
Snoo snoo!
As I begin this sentence I find myself one and a half hours into the second time in my life where what I think might, just might, make a difference. Today I vote.
I dont even begin to think that which candidate I choose will matter, because I live in an area so unbelievably riddled with Labour voters that Tony Blair would probably cum in...
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Its always going to be the Green Party.
I can't imagine they'll ever get into power in the Longsight area, but you never know!
Its all about having your say - every vote that labour and Tories don't get is a blow against them, albeit a small one.
I don't see the point of not voting as a protest if there are independant parties who strike a chord.
If we split the power of the major parties, ther smaller parties hold more sway and we have a more democratic system.
Thats my opinion on it anyway!
I can't imagine they'll ever get into power in the Longsight area, but you never know!
Its all about having your say - every vote that labour and Tories don't get is a blow against them, albeit a small one.
I don't see the point of not voting as a protest if there are independant parties who strike a chord.
If we split the power of the major parties, ther smaller parties hold more sway and we have a more democratic system.
Thats my opinion on it anyway!

great show saturday night
each of you were more than worth the entry fee alone 

Bloody right.
Bloody damn right.
Im updating, and may I speed to hell with hair flying in the wind if I dont post this entry tonight. Oh, wait, you can see my nipples online Im going to hell anyway! But because I love you all Ill still update. Satan owes me one.
Since the last time I filled you in Ive gone through a...
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Bloody right.
Bloody damn right.
Im updating, and may I speed to hell with hair flying in the wind if I dont post this entry tonight. Oh, wait, you can see my nipples online Im going to hell anyway! But because I love you all Ill still update. Satan owes me one.
Since the last time I filled you in Ive gone through a...
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Single eh? Well I can but dream.
Good luck with the audition x
Good luck with the audition x
Whats with the expectations/blowjob comment that has me all confused.............??? help me understand???
or not.

Happy New Year!
Actually no. I think Ill just wait to post this. Ill wait until they think Ive abandoned them; until they think their pitiful pleas for me to add them to my friends list and pathetic begging for returned email have been scorned. Then, only then, will I update.
Happy I Waited And Thus Mock You And All You Stand For!
and Ive...
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Actually no. I think Ill just wait to post this. Ill wait until they think Ive abandoned them; until they think their pitiful pleas for me to add them to my friends list and pathetic begging for returned email have been scorned. Then, only then, will I update.
Happy I Waited And Thus Mock You And All You Stand For!
and Ive...
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How has my little love muffin been? 


Since Ive received numerous e-mails of late chanting to the theme of, UPDATE! MY LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT YOUR DRIVEL! I thought Id make one last attempt before the year is behind me. Or my behind is the year. Eractually the latter would be Cherry, since I just received my complimentary SG Christmas present in the form of a calendar featuring her as Miss December,...
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Thank you!

i'd love to hear how the Gemma story is going...

Top notch.