we fought
i ran
he got trashed... (for the first time.. hahahah)
i hung out with v & j
went home and fought again
spilled everything in the morning because i couldnt take it.
so things are better. just telling him everything made me feel 70% better. >>> thanks for all the advice to just talk to him. it really did make a difference... and...
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i ran
he got trashed... (for the first time.. hahahah)
i hung out with v & j
went home and fought again
spilled everything in the morning because i couldnt take it.
so things are better. just telling him everything made me feel 70% better. >>> thanks for all the advice to just talk to him. it really did make a difference... and...
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eeeeerrrf i'm so tired.. i dunno why.
//started my new job today. work for a medical supply company entering data & such. eh.. it pays the bills and starting pay isn't all that bad
it's still lonely here.. i think i'm going to feel out of place for awhile
...so nothing too exciting to update. but damn i want a kitten!
>>> what is your...
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//started my new job today. work for a medical supply company entering data & such. eh.. it pays the bills and starting pay isn't all that bad

it's still lonely here.. i think i'm going to feel out of place for awhile

...so nothing too exciting to update. but damn i want a kitten!
>>> what is your...
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Hey, havent said hi in a while..
(my birthday is next week)
But.. how are u?? have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!
(my birthday is next week)
But.. how are u?? have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!

went to open mic @ drowsey last night. it was really cool. a lot of people showed up.
the burg seems to be crazy full of emo & punk kids for some reason. ha
i guess it's a nice change from the ford. things are good so far... sometime today i should find out which paper route i will receive. so that's cool.
we still...
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the burg seems to be crazy full of emo & punk kids for some reason. ha

we still...
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get shypixie to help you it will cost less than a dollor

ohh where is my fairie?? i miss her so!! shes run off to the burg and left me all alone!! and not even online or nothing!!
now you know i need you here cause no one gets my insanity like you, so get your butt online so you can council me woman!!
now you know i need you here cause no one gets my insanity like you, so get your butt online so you can council me woman!!

i haven't had my cable internet connection for days!! i've been packing to move and the house is almost all boxed up!!! now i just have to finish that job and clean the house. sounds easy.. but somehow i think it's gonna be more work than i'm expecting.
//anyway... i've been missing sg and just being able to get online whenever i want. i can't...
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//anyway... i've been missing sg and just being able to get online whenever i want. i can't...
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Im gonna say the Kill Bill series.... watching Uma kill was tight..
you want to end the drought?
lol.. good luck with the move.
you want to end the drought?

lol.. good luck with the move.
That sucks about your net!
still in the burg looking for a job. i'm hoping to get the night newspaper route -- if so.. i'd make around $2,000 a month. i just hope i get one within the first week of october! eep. it should work out though...
i saw resident evil a few days ago.. and let me just say that milla is SOOOOO!!! gorgeous and badass!
i absolutely...
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i saw resident evil a few days ago.. and let me just say that milla is SOOOOO!!! gorgeous and badass!

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Work is overrated. Don't feel too bad, my life is boring as hell as well!

DOnt worry about me.... ill be fine
the only trick to learning to do crazy shit is to let go of the attatchment to your body... because you are going to fuck it up. Big time. Once you lose the fear of falling... and you realize it doesnt hurt as bad as everyone thinks, and bustinut a huge and makin everyone go "ooooh" and "aaah" Feels sooo good cause you just worked for about 3 months so you could do that one thing, and fell about a million times... so yeah.... it rocks.
the only trick to learning to do crazy shit is to let go of the attatchment to your body... because you are going to fuck it up. Big time. Once you lose the fear of falling... and you realize it doesnt hurt as bad as everyone thinks, and bustinut a huge and makin everyone go "ooooh" and "aaah" Feels sooo good cause you just worked for about 3 months so you could do that one thing, and fell about a million times... so yeah.... it rocks.
i found out i get to meet the starting line!!!!!! & yellowcard because z is working their show at LC. yippie skippie do da!! backstage pass & everything.. oh boy. what a happy crazy kid! haha

Well I'm glad that my suffering without net access provided you with some small amusement. My work here is done
Glad things are hectic in a good way

Glad things are hectic in a good way

neither really... I really like things with wings but I'd prefer a manticore or griffin over a pegasues, as i'm not all that into horses...
i've been dragging ass lately... everything feels so hectic... and i have so much shit!! i just don't know what to do.
it's friday night and i'm just sitting here in this lonely house waiting for the wife to show up.... i just wanna be out having fun
haha i guess this is the problem with not having a lot of friends.. hmmm....
it's friday night and i'm just sitting here in this lonely house waiting for the wife to show up.... i just wanna be out having fun

haha i guess this is the problem with not having a lot of friends.. hmmm....
i vote we picket the police station till they agree to make a mass public appology to all the poor people they harrassed and antagonized soley for the basis of some misguided assumtion that because we are in our 20s we are always drunk or doped up on something. course we will get a permit fist so its all nice a legal

im sorry hunny, i hope thing get better soon, we should hangout sometime soon

I likey!
Yeah, it really looks cute on you.

so! our lease on the house in the ford ends october! thank goodness! you could tell our landlord didn't want to give in.. but i mean come on.. what was he going to do... take us to court? ahh HAHA. maybe after we leave he'll actually fix it up so folks can live in it comfortably. who knows! anyway -- i'm happy because things kinda...
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Pearl Jam blows... Good job.
I have tons of things I could be wearing, but I always wear the same things. Jogging pants and Globetrotters tshirt. I have at least 8 of them.
You will look stunning with that hair. Nice choices. I love multicolored everything.
I have tons of things I could be wearing, but I always wear the same things. Jogging pants and Globetrotters tshirt. I have at least 8 of them.
You will look stunning with that hair. Nice choices. I love multicolored everything.

hope everything is going well for you sweetie, i heard you are moving, i hope everything works out for the best

Renting sucks. Landlords are scum. Yey for moving though! I'll be drinking Lynchburg lemonades and thinking of you, even though I get the impression it's the wrong lynchburg...

i miss you to hottness.
and as for that landlord i already told you how many times that if you just up and walked out on his ass and said screw you if you want to push the issue we will bring the health department in to see if this place is even fit for you to legally rent. not that i want you to run off to the 'burg either and leave me here all by my lonesome

the john mayer / maroon 5 concert was so amazing!!! i wish life could be like that every night... it just felt so good...
It sounds like you had a good time. I am so envious.
Hey doll 

You should join SGVA

Coming home!?!?!
you know you and me are visitin girlie!!!
ohh and yay for you guys getting things out. hope everything runs much more smoothly now.
umm who are v+j??