Look how cute he is. Last night we went out with my friends and he told it the way it is. "Men are lovers, and women are perpetually dissatisfied with men, and try to change them. Women don't want a perfect man, they want one who is almost perfect so they have a project to work on."
I had fun talking to strangers at the airport today. I love my inflated ego, and how it leads me to do and act in ways that some people don't seem to understand. I love when people blow me off as some crazy weirdo. I love being far too honest, too quickly, and making people uncomfortable. I love knowing that i can lose the lesbian... Read More
I think cute lesbians should be registered on some website by
neighborhood. I saw the most adorable couple at QFC and I was
naturally too shy to even make eye contact. blarg.
This is the spider my friend Tyler was torturing by throwing
cigarette butts into his web. But the spider made quick work of
unhitching them and tossing them out. He was a huge... Read More
oh my god grose. in teh first picture he looks HUGE but in the last one he's not even as big as teh cigarette butt. there was a spider in my room the other day that was so big my cat hissed at it. that's my story. good luck finding a job.
So. I got a part-time design job. That's been pretty fun. And I'm in Condon for Turkey Day with Mike. My little world is so far from SG right now that I can hardly remember what it was like to be a part of everything. I think that's kind of nice, it's new.
The fog is so thick here (as it always is) that you... Read More
I want a job so bad but I'm being far too picky, which has always been my big problem. Once my computer shows up and the internet comes on I'll be okay again doing the freelance thing and keeping an eye out. I am so antsy I can hardly bear it... scanning craigslist constantly from the treo,... Read More
One of my favorite PDX memories is getting fucked up on robitussin then meeting a huge group of friends at Montage for mac & cheese and wine wine wine wine wine.
Please convey my warm regards to the spinning milk carton in Northeast.
I am happier than I can ever remember being in my life. That's no small statement, believe me.
Last night I stayed in my new as-of-yet unfurnished house. It was so amazing just because Mike took the time to point out how perfect everything is. The giant billboards, the lights of the industrial district, the grass (perfect for wrestling), even the crazy wallpaper. My cute... Read More