Here he goes again. I swear my brother is a leprechaun! Lol He won a Mercedes last year, $20,000 ea Nov 29, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Black Friday is the worst when youse sick ughhh. I've been sick for a week! #ilookgoodtho #sghopefu Nov 28, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email bl8228: Hope you feel better really soon! Nov 29, 2014
👭👭 @babyivansmommy #myotherhalf #chicaandari #forever #loveher #weresoold #suckmytoes #milf Nov 27, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email
Got ready to go out and realized it was a bad idea. Now I'm too lazy to take off my shoes and put M Nov 26, 2014 6 Facebook Tweet Email
Me throwing up a peace sign during a selfie deserves a #tbt even though it's Wednesday lol. #hellao Nov 26, 2014 8 Facebook Tweet Email
I literally can't stand it!! Ugh! @madzilla you are insanely gorgeous!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 #ummyesplease Nov 25, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email
Don't feel like going back to work since I feel like death. #ihatebeingsick #dontwanttowork #ijustw Nov 24, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email drwhosit: Death was never so good-looking. Hope you feel better soon! Nov 24, 2014
I couldn't help it! I just had the right angle lol @italian_vixen ❤️🍑 #toomuchbootyinthepants #but Nov 23, 2014 12 Facebook Tweet Email obelix100: Indeed you did. Nov 23, 2014 moregraffiti: Sweet fancy moses! Nov 24, 2014
These girls thooo!! 😍❤️#secondfamily #tenyearsstrong #lovethemtopieces #mygirls #myfamily #weresog Nov 23, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email