$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$10.00 Tip From Anonymous


Thank you

From thanatoz


Gracias solecito por tu apoyo en mi set y gracias por volver a la página, se siente super lindo tener tu energía de vuelta

Gracias mamasita hacen cosas hermosas tu set está hermoso las amoo 😘😘😘

sincerely hope you are feeling your power and that the site will allow you to help others and share your beauty and ideas with us ❤️

Thanks for all that love!!!! 💋💋💋

Such an beautiful person and soul. Ever part of you catches the eyes. Your eyes look deep and soulful wouldn't mind sitting opposite you and talk and just sharing...thought...ideas... beliefs moments that mad you happy or sad. Then when and if we finish... Pass by like to ships who have a lantern growing brighter. 

Good morning!!! Thank you for your sweet words, It makes me very happy to know that there is people that actually read my posts. Sometimes i feel that’s easier to conect with people through this channel instead of the strangers next to you in the neighbourhood. I’ll keep doing it then, writing about my perception of reality around me and I encourage you to share with me your thoughts aswell. Have a great Rest of the week 😘😘😘😘😘😘

Such an beautiful person and soul. Ever part of you catches the eyes. Your eyes look deep and soulful wouldn't mind sitting opposite you and talk and just sharing...thought...ideas... beliefs moments that mad you happy or sad. Then when and if we finish... Pass by like to ships who have a lantern growing brighter. 

From lewolf


 இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ ~☾♥ HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY... WITH LOVE!!! ♥☽~ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ

From kryon


Hey @ellys are you still around over here? I've been gone for about a year now. Though still not sure if I'm really back.. All the best. x Kryon

From alexia


Hello thanks for following me! Now you can already visit my new set Made My Self in my profile! Thank you kisses😍😍😍😍

From alexia


Hello thanks for following me! You can now visit my new set Made My Self in my profile have all set. Thank you😍

From ralts


Hola preciosa! cómo estás? oye la verdad soy bastante ignorante de quienes son las chicas allá en argentina :( pero te conozco a ti y a la cartoon, tambien se de la skynbird que vive aqui y es mi amiga y de un par de chiquillas que son chilenas y estan viviendo allá ... la verdad es que estoy viajando para allá del 16 de noviembre hasta el 6 de noviembre y me gustaria concoer a algunas chicas, quizás tratar de hacer fotos (no se con quien jajaja) o simplemente salir a tomar algo n.n espero no ser muy braza! saludos <3