Today involved slapping, scratching, pushing and being generally massive bastards to @gotk , and ha Oct 3, 2014 37 Facebook Tweet Email wrecklessrich: Oh hell yeah! Oct 3, 2014 del: Sounds like a good day! Oct 4, 2014
I've found an extra stamp in my desk, so the first UK person to email Sep 30, 2014 8 Facebook Tweet Email
I discovered an old unseen photo! #latex #catsuit #rubber #gummi #pasties #bondage #fetish #kink # Sep 29, 2014 20 Facebook Tweet Email
Free mood rings with orders from @littlewinghandmade til Monday 🔮 Sep 26, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email
I had an accident at work Sep 26, 2014 23 Facebook Tweet Email oneimill: Looks like your pants couldn't handle that much booty. Sep 26, 2014 1 jacleric: pantyhose ruined by sheer hotness Dec 2, 2014
I felt a bit crap a few weeks ago and bought myself a vest. Totally forgot about it. It came today! Sep 26, 2014 25 Facebook Tweet Email oneimill: DC won't be happy to hear it, but you're my new favorite Batman. Sep 26, 2014
Not done this for a while - too busy planning to move to Canada and playing Destiny! I'm off to Dub Sep 23, 2014 27 Facebook Tweet Email lizardlicks: Canada just in time for Autumn/Winter... Brave SG! Sep 23, 2014 1 doctorinvincible: Canada rocks in all weather Sep 23, 2014 1
Shooting in a couple of weeks for the first time in AGES. Should be pretty fun! Here's an oldie fro Sep 23, 2014 20 Facebook Tweet Email oneimill: Awesome pic. Sep 23, 2014